My day, July 9th.
Location: Estonia, Jüri.
I wake up to a messy bed. Hrmm.
It is 1pm already D:
I check the weather..
And get to brushing my teeth and other morning-stuff.
What shall I wear? D:
As I get downstairs I notice a huge cup of wild strawberries : O Oh god I need to have them now.
For my breakfast I decide to have CHICKEN NUGGETS : D
I see the time and decide to watch "Wimbledon". WITH the strawberries : D
I'm almost out D:
Oh god..
And then little brother's birthday at some fun-activity-center. Whee!
Before we go he decides to squirm around on the couch while playing with his cellphone..
I push the cats outside.
Marta looks dead o_O I poke her to make sure she is not.
And we're off!
We arrive there. It's a pretty huge place.
(Hi, mom!)
With walls neatly covered with kids' names.
I check the time..
Kids have fun..
More timechecking (Whinwhine: Dad? Let's go hooome.)
We do!
But first we pick up the dog from the house-currently-being-built.
Dog, why are you asleep on brother's bed? Let's go walk.
Killer gate that got my thumb : (
We walk!
We get home. Dog is thirsty, I am thirsty.
Leftover little .. whatever you call those in English!
And quality time with (some of) my family!
Soon Monk ends and Deuce Bigalow is on.
THe relative came over and brought my perfume I've been wanting for ages 8D
Playing with dog outside!
And then football.
Computering + TV (Haha, Robocop!)
Oh god look at the time!
Time for bed! But not before "Married With Children" is over! (God, I love that show)
I try to sleep (Same shirt 'cause no pyjama shirts were around :()
But a little pest in the bed is keeping me awake.
I hope I didn't bore the heck out of ya XD