Why would a dead chicken even NEED to cross the road? [Boston, MA, USA]

Aug 18, 2008 12:35

Hello again! I'm Caitlin, 19, and living just outside of Boston, MA.
I've done two other days recently ( one, two).
This time, I documented a venture into Boston with some friends.
We became tourists in our own city, to show a friend from FL around.

This is my August 15th, 2008!

Other info about me?
I'm a sophomore nursing student at a college in NH, when I'm not frolicking in Boston.
I'm a daycare/pre-k summer camp worker during the summer and on breaks.
I'm obsessed with music-- making it, watching it be made, listening to it.

...I wake up to find a nice X on my face, from sleeping on my underage-at-a-concert-the-night-before hands.

Time check at my awakening? 9:55. Not too bad.

Squeaky clean. The shower can't wash off weird facial expressions, though. ;)

Just a small breakfast-- some fruit and a bottle of water. I'll be eating plenty during the rest of the day, haha.

I'm dressed for the day, and ready to go.

I hitch a ride to the subway station with some friends. We park. #89. Yes.

J and KT pose for pictures! J's up from Florida, and has never A)been to Boston, B)been on a subway.

Who wants to jump on the third rail, just for fun?

We head to the Prudential Center's Skywalk, to give Jackie a bird's-eye view of the city.

Nicole is excited, because the family on the wall looks like they're having lots of fun at the observatory.

The view! I love this city.

Anybody want to buy me an apartment?

Fenway Park, and Kenmore Square!

There's a guy swimming in that pool down there. With flippers on. Awesome.

YO YO YO. Those dudes were rapping about immigration and becoming a citizen and gangsta stuff like that.

Back dowwwwn from the 50th floor to the basement. My ears popped. :/

That's where we were!

Time check-- 1:15 as we go to get some lunch.

We head to Spike's for some hotdogs.

Uh oh, curly fry casualties.

After lunch, we walk to Newbury Street for some shopping. Naturally, we go to Newbury Comics.
And naturally, we infect one another with plush diseases. Here? Syphilis and Mono.

Walking walking walking...

And then we get to the end of Newbury, and wander through the Public Gardens and Boston Common.

Jenn briefly becomes homeless takes a nap.

Pretty! Swans and ducks.

And also, fake ducks. Make Way For Ducklings, anyone? YES.

We're the cool kids that roll down hills in public.

"Massachusetts grass feels DIFFERENT from Florida grass!" So we walk barefoot for a bit.

My favorite part of the common is the "best of both worlds" feel. (I PROMISE that is not a Hannah Montana reference.)

Enough frolicking-- we're hungry. We walk toward Faneuil Hall, and meet up with the rest of our friends. Then we head to...

...Dick's Last Resort! They write inappropriate things on balloons and tie them to your hair, and are just mean in general to their patrons. It's amazing.

Casey and Daphney have a balloon-head fight.

The remains of my dinner. Mmm, buffalo fingers.

By the time we've finished eating, it's started raining so we decide to skip the North End and head home.
The doesn't mean we can't stop for some fun with the statues, though.

Walking back to the T station...

Inside the station, we are subjected to what may have beeen the worst rendition of Hey Jude by any subway station performer, ever.
Sam hides her face so the guy can't see her laughing. Or crying.

Red liiiine. I'm heading back to Somerville with the other crowd of friends, not the ones I came into town with.

Interested? I know you are. Also, tell me that is not an amazingly hilarious dollar sign.

Driving hoooome. We turned left, because we abide by traffic laws.

Back in our town, we head to KT's house for some Apples To Apples and pigs in blankets. Mmmm.

We watch the Olympics, too. We caught Michael Phelps's hair-of-a-win!

KT's puppy was thoroughly disturbed by the singing birthday sheep.

11:11... Time to head home. Everybody gives KT big hugs because she's leaving for Florida in a few days.
I get to see her again before she goes, so I just watch and document. ;)

Home and immediately in pajamas, to get out of my soggy jeans.

Face washing, contact removing, etc.

Teeth brushinnggg!

Of course, I can't just go to bed without checking out things online.
I log on and a friend sends a link to his band's new Youtube video. I watch it, and am made happy by the cuteness of everything.

Time check? And Facebook check. Obviously.

I get an urge to listen to this song, so even though I'm exhausted I put it on. The Fire Theft = WHOA.

Annnd a final timecheck in my pitch dark room. Goodnight!

...I'm always looking for new LJ friends! (:
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