(no subject)

Aug 17, 2008 19:50

I'm sorry I'm posting this so late.

Hello everyone. Whitney, eighteen, Vermont. Please enjoy my July 30th, 2008, a day of gas stations, a friend's concert and general insanity in thirty-eight pictures, including the teaser.

I was awoken by the phone a little after ten. It turned out to be my bestie! We chatted for about an hour before getting off the phone.

I did the normal bathroom routine and took a shower.

While waiting for my hair to dry, I hopped online and checked my regular website. I don't remember what I was "WHAT THE FUCK" about.

I went downstairs to deal with anyone that wanted out or in. Clearly Hermione was not interested in coming in.

Got myself some delicious breakfast and went back upstairs.

I worked on a story for a bit.
I was so hesitant to post this as I took the photo before going back and editing and since then I have basically rewritten the whole paragraph. I think this is awful and I am embarrassed but whatever, anything for ADIML <33)

Got tired of writing but wasn't ready to get on with my day so I played with Sora, my favorite KiSS doll.

Christine called around noon or one and we firmed up our plans for the night. Then I decided it was finally time to get dressed.

(This is such a lame picture, sorry guys.)

Then I camwhored for a while. I couldn't help it, I needed a million pictures to show off my new shirt and sunglasses.

When I finished camwhoring, I hopped online again and got a call from my brother's fiancé Jessyca. She was asking me if I would be able to go bride's maid dress shopping with her and the other bride's maid later in the week.

Then I somehow deleted my entire playlist. :DDDDD So I spent about an hour and a half recreating it and making it even better.

Around four thirty I had a yummy snack.

And fed Snitter.

And then let him out. Sat out on the porch with him for a bit before realizing it was almost five.

I ran upstairs and packed my bag.

Took some ibuprofen.

And left a few minutes later than I meant to.

Stopped on my way to the park and ride to get gas. Jolly's was having a gas sale so it was incredibly hectic to get gas and I almost forgot a picture.

Despite the fact that the drive to the park and ride, meeting Christine and getting into her car wasn't hectic at all, I forgot to take pictures of any of it. We stopped at another gas station (the one at her work), so she could get gas for her car.

While paying for her gas, we also bought some snacks. Mine was very orange. Neither of us felt very well and I was shaking really badly and the hour long trip into Burlington almost killed us. I'm not sure what was wrong with us.

On the way we stopped at yet another gas station so she could buy cigarettes, as on the way in she realized she was almost out.

We finally arrived at Plato's Closet, a wonderful second hand store.

We found some ~*~delightful~*~ boots.

Not gonna lie, I was totally going to buy those moon boots until I realized they were $40. I didn't have enough.

After Christine bought a pair of boots (not the wonderful pink fuzzy ones she tried on), we went to a nearby bagel place for dinner. It was closed. We were heartbroken. So we decided to just not eat and make our way to the venue, Higher Ground.

But then we remembered that there was a Dunkin Donuts right next to Higher Ground, so we got our bagels! And sat in her car to eat them. I continued to shake a lot for no apparent reason and Christine commented that I looked like a crack addict. Sadly she did not take a picture, as I was very curious to see it.

After finishing our food, we decided to go into the venue. We got as far as the next row of cars before someone from our high school yelled to us and we were forced to sit in the parking lot and talk to them for twenty minutes.

That's our friend Dan. He drums pretty well.

Phat Toosday & the Astro-bus. They were all right. Not really my style of music, but Dan is great and I hadn't been to a show in over a month so I definitely didn't mind.

We left almost immediately after Phat Toosday & the Astro-bus played because the next band to play was ~*~Sour Boy~*~, another band from our high school. Christine and I don't care for their music at all, plus all of the members have a holier-than-thou attitude and think they are the greatest thing to ever walk the earth. We couldn't stand to see them, so we just left.

Driving. The ride home was possibly more stressful than the ride in because we weren't one hundred percent sure we knew where we were and we thought a cop behind us (there wasn't). It was fun though.

She dropped me off at the park and ride and I got home at 10:20.

I watched a bit of tv. First I watched an episode of Mythbusters about Jaws, but while flipping through channels during a commercial, I saw that Jaws was actually on! So I watched that instead.

Cruised the internet for a bit and listened to some Iron Maiden.

Got ready for bed around one am.

And completely passed out.
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