My last post was a joke.... I'm sure no-one believed it, but I thought it was funny, and so did Kathleen. I just thought it was funny because it says "top secret" yet I posted it on the internet. Man, I'm funny. Oh man.
Can you keep a secret? Well there's this intern where I work named Kathleen. She's pretty cool, but something really strange happened with her today. IF YOU CAN'T KEEP A SECRET... THAN STOP READING THIS
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Yesterday while shopping at Albertsons I found a 13 lb. turkey for $3.29. Of course I bought it, than I fixed it up with some mashed potatoes and gravy. Yesterday was officially
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Tonight after practice I'm going to see the new Matrix movie. I went and saw Identity the other day and liked it, but I told some people I liked it and they thought I was stupid. I stick by my guns though... I thought it was nice and creepy. I doubt if anyone cares about any of this. If you've made it this far than "mad props dude."
I got back from Orlando yesterday. That trip really wore me out. I had a great time, but the time change threw me off. I'm stoked to be back in Seattle and stuff.
This is the part of the day I call down-time. Work is almost over and I'm wandering aimlessly on-line googling the hell out of anything and everything
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