OMG! 60 Members!

May 05, 2009 11:44

OMG! We have sixty members! I love that Adam and Elle can still draw a crowd even though they are both dead as a can of spam. It makes me wanna do something to celebrate our ship so I present:

That's right, I want fic guys! Lots of it!


+ Leave as many prompts as you want!
+ If your prompt you write for takes up more than the comment space allows, provide a link to the fic!
+ Any flaming, negativity, or just plain ol' meanness will be deleted at the discretion of the mods.
+ If your reply to a prompt is NC-17, please mark it as such.
+ Not prompting makes Adam and Elle die unjustly over and over again, you don't want that do you? ;_;
+ Threesome prompts are definitely allowed :D
+ For god's sake pimp, pimp everwhere!

Master List

Wanting To Be Caught NC-17 by do_you_like_pie
A Game He Didn't Like To Play NC-17 by lemomina
Gone... by voodooman
Let The Rain Fall by ilikethequiet
A Child's Curiousity by brokengem
A Thing Of Importance by voodooman
It Was An Order NC-17 by do_you_like_pie

!fic meme

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