Week is over :(

Sep 07, 2018 21:50

I worked last weekend including Monday. Then since Tuesday I've been off. Sort of. lol The sort of is that I still had a hair appt and riding lesson Tuesday, choir on Wed night (that I skipped, more later), and a meeting at the hospital on Thursday (had to go, since I run the meeting ( Read more... )

tv, medical, farm, whine, movies, scifi, work

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Comments 19

davesmusictank September 8 2018, 04:36:33 UTC
Sometimes I just binge on Netflix.


adafrog September 8 2018, 14:38:44 UTC
It totally rocks. But when I'm not sick I also want to read, so I like having commercials. lol


wantedonvoyage September 8 2018, 06:09:12 UTC

I was told the same thing about trailer tires. I think part of it is because they sit on one spot for longer than a car does.


adafrog September 8 2018, 15:01:42 UTC
Yes. Which kind of doesn't make sense. But they said something about it the tread stays on it can become more brittle. Weird.


wantedonvoyage September 9 2018, 13:18:44 UTC
Yes I had a tread slip and it led to so much rattling that the microwave oven in the camper tried to escape and take half the cabinet with it!


adafrog September 10 2018, 18:18:17 UTC


phantoms September 8 2018, 10:57:07 UTC
I hope you're feeling better!


adafrog September 8 2018, 15:01:57 UTC
Getting there. Thanks.


siduri September 8 2018, 11:58:43 UTC
Ugh, sorry you were sick! But, sounds like it was a restful time anyway...


adafrog September 8 2018, 15:02:19 UTC
Thanks. And yes, so far pretty good. :)


wiseheart September 8 2018, 16:59:59 UTC
Be good to yourself; nobody else will do! *g*

That sounds some amazing TV-marathon. How did your eyes cope?


adafrog September 8 2018, 22:43:53 UTC
Good point!

They closed a lot. :)


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