Name: Jacintha
Age: 17
Stamped as: Kate Winslet (Regular)
Three votes:
Voted on all that needed votes!
5 positive words about yourself: Feisty, free-spirited, headstrong, romantic, passionate
5 negative words about yourself: Sensitive, stubborn, tenacious, hates to be dependent, easily bored
Describe what your life is like right now: Some days are better than the rest
Describe your current love life & views of love: I'm single, not looking for anyone and love needs to be two-sided
Hobbies? Watching movies, writing, drawing, listening to music, designing, making playlists, spending time with loved ones, shopping, cycling, learning new things, volleyball
Do you like spotlight? Not exactly
Do you/Did you watch Gossip Girl? Yeah
If so, did you like it? Sure
If so, what's your favorite character/couple? Character: Agnes/Serena/Blair. Couple: Blair/Chuck ♥
Introvert or Extrovert: Extrovert with introvert tendencies
Take or Give: Give
Life or Death: In between
Smiles or Tears: Smiling through tears
Being lonely or with someone?: It depends on who that someone is
Are you:
[ ] Cunning
[X] Smart
[X] Kind
[/] Brave
[ ] Villainous
[ ] Naive
[ ] Normal
[ ] Kind of Crazy
[/] Caring
[X] Happy
[X] Sad