Name: Samantha
Age: 17
Stamped as: Rachel McAdams (Regular)
Three votes: 5 positive words about yourself: Romantic, feminine, artistic, intelligent, strong-willed
5 negative words about yourself: Irritable, headstrong, emotional, sensitive, perfectionist
Describe what your life is like right now: Rather uneventful but I quite like it like this
Describe your current love life & views of love: I'm a hopeless romantic and a huge believer of love, but I believe there are different forms of love not just love between a girl and guy. There's love for your hobbies, love for your pet, love for your friends and love for your job. Love doesn't have to be between a girl and a guy too, it can be between two girls or two guys. I won't settle for just anyone though, if I'm going to marry someone, it's going to be someone I love very deeply and fervently
Hobbies? I spend a lot of my time on the internet searching for inspiration or just feeding my interests and passions. I also draw, write, read and daydream a lot. I like finding meaning in songs, words, art pieces and analysing things down to the tiniest details. I adore having heart to heart talks with my loved ones too or just never-ending conversations about things that my friend and I love!
Do you like spotlight? I'm not very comfortable in the limelight so I'd much rather not be under it 24/7
Do you/Did you watch Gossip Girl? Yes!
If so, did you like it? Quite like it, but I only watch the first two seasons.
If so, what's your favorite character/couple? My favourite character's Blair definitely and couple would have to be Blair/Chuck but I adored Dan/Serena in the first season!
Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert with extroverted tendencies
Take or Give: Give and take both, I am a compassionate person but I have my selfish moments and limits
Life or Death: Life
Smiles or Tears: Smile
Being lonely or with someone?: With someone
Are you:
[/] Cunning I'm not that manipulative but I have my really bitchy moments I think.
[X] Smart Not in the IQ sense.
[X] Kind
[/] Brave
[ ] Villainous
[ ] Naive
[/] Normal I do have my own quirks but am normal on the whole.
[ ] Kind of Crazy
[X] Caring
[X] Happy An optimist but a closet pessimist/realist?
[ ] Sad