I've been getting a little more involved in fandom stuff. You don't say! I basically realized how long it had been since I was actually active in a fandom, and decided to rectify it. (Right now, fandom=hallo thar SPN. If certain theories about my brain are true, this could be the worst special interest ever. :P) Also ONTD_P, though thankfully
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Comments 11
And how could one not notice Bella's face at the end? O_o
2. Have you ever wanted to go into "showbusiness"? (Singing, dancing, acting, whatever).
3. Do you want to learn any more languages?
4. Do you use the Internet primarily to communicate with IRL acquaintances or online friends?
5. Do you read fanfiction?
2. How would you characterize your taste in music, and what elements do you look for?
3. How did you start doing art? If that's a silly question, when did you decide to actually go into it?
4. Twilight: what is your position on it?
5. Favorite non LJ or Facebook internet site, and why?
Ooh. I think I could do the meme.
1. What is your favorite movie?
2. If you could learn another language, which would it be?
3. Have you ever considered living outside the US?
4. What was your first anime? (Or manga, if that came first).
5. Are you a cat or a dog person?
And I like the Babylon 5 macro.... it is awesome.
2. What was your first pet?
3. Have you ever considered (or had) an "exotic" pet?
4. Who is your favorite Terry Pratchett character?
5. Have you read any Neil Gaiman (other than Good Omens)? What did you think of him?
Also, I so didn't know that you had four horsemen of the apocalypse sneakers. You win an awesome point.
2. How would you characterize your musical taste?
3. What is your favorite Doctor Who episode/storyarc?
4. What was your first anime? (Or manga, if that came before).
5. What's your favorite thing to bake?
I will try to wear them next time we hang out! They have an old woodcut of the horsemen printed on the sides.
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