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Comments 9

kuzujuk November 4 2009, 08:44:31 UTC
For pity's sake pronouns are not as difficult as people make them out to be. DX Use the pronouns he chooses for himself, this is not hard (gender-neutral pronouns might be cool, y'know? I don't mean 'it', which doesn't work for people at all; I mean if the only pronouns we had were absolutely neutral. Could be confusing, but interesting. Still, as our language stands, going by what each individual person chooses for him/her/theirself ought to work perfectly well).
Hmm, good luck with the drugs. That does not sound pleasant in any way, but I hope they work for you. But hurray for weekend permission! You go and have oodles of fun. :D

I loved Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead. Admittedly not for River Song so much - but maybe it was. Come to think of it I'm not sure what I liked so much (other than the idea of PLANET WIDE LIBRARY OMG) but I thought they were truly awesome. I didn't have any peeve with River and - hey, who turned out the lights?


actourdreams November 6 2009, 05:49:44 UTC
She-->he. "It" is called "transsexual." VERY SIMPLE, CHILDREN, IT'S EVEN ON WIKIPEDIA. (I actually know someone who uses gender neutral pronouns because sie is genderqueer. I presonally really like the ze/zir ones because they sound cool, and I like the use of gender neutral pronouns when the gender is unknown or the thing could be unisex, eg "Each player moves hir piece one space forward".)

It's one of those "I don't want to get onto this again, but the alternative is worse" things. Ah well, we'll see.
Thank you~

I loved them for actual plot reasons too - PLANET WIDE LIBRARY! Dreamspaces! Fantastic creepyness! - but was mostly surprised that I loved the romancey stuff, since I usually snooze through it. And River Song would have been bad ass even if she wasn't linked to the Doctor. She's an archeologist! I LOVE archeologists! :D


kuzujuk November 6 2009, 15:04:43 UTC
Yes indeedie! Even if you're not arsed to Wiki it or anything like that, it shouldn't be too hard to just go with the latest you've heard, right? (The ze/zir ones are cool-sounding. I use 'they' just because I know how it is used, but even though I know it's fine as a singular I still auto-read it as plural. :/ Aah language.)

Well, the best of luck with it. :)

Yes! I also snooze through romance most of the time, but though I wasn't all that into it between the Doctor and River Song, I did love Donna's dream-husband. Seeing him try to stammer out her name at the end was just tragic.
And River was cool, man! Archaeology is cool!

I shall use this icon instead of my other happy icon, because this one fits your colour scheme better. :< .


sinneahtes November 4 2009, 09:44:17 UTC
Transphobia's becoming more apparent and more mind-boggling to me lately, too.

about 60% of Whodom considers River Song to be a flaming Mary Sue

Bwuh?! I neither like her nor dislike her yet, but I have to wonder if these are mostly "Doctor/Rose forever!" fans saying that.


actourdreams November 6 2009, 05:42:51 UTC
I can't figure if it's me being more vigilant or if the comments are getting more frequent. :/

I was terribly, terribly behind on Doctor Who, but I knew of her because a lot of people can't stand her. Because apparently competent cannonical love interest=automatic Mary Sue? *shrugs* I don't know if they were Doctor/Rose die-hards or not.


soda_and_capes November 4 2009, 15:38:40 UTC
UGHHHHH. Seconding your rage.

Good luck with braindrugs. That's always a fun ride. :\ *HUGS*

I was mostly epically bored with River Song. But if she's Romana, it would be great. Hearts in my eyes, srsly.


actourdreams November 6 2009, 05:32:13 UTC
Thankee~ I call it the Medication Limbo Hell Carousel. Must be [this crazy] to ride.


outsidetheedges November 4 2009, 21:32:40 UTC
I have a different kind of bad medication history from you, but not much less messy. Given, I also am usually on a different class of stuff, but nonetheless, there is a lot of hesitancy. I know I need mine increased, but there is so much to worry about that goes along with that. Caution in all things, especially the anti-anxiety stuff. My advice on that, since they are so addictive, would be to get something you can take as needed, but to take it more often than just when you're already on the verge of panic. I sometimes use mine to keep me on an even keel, to reset my system, but never too often. So that would be a thought... That's how I take my xanax.

Also, are you going to be here this weekend, my beautiful, wonderful dear? Oh, I hope so!

I love you. A lot. A lot.


actourdreams November 6 2009, 05:31:02 UTC
Yes. Yes yes yes. I've only just gotten myself to think moderately about medication, I don't want to throw myself back onto the mercy of people who don't think moderately at all (though more in the way of using it like a clawhammer than it being evil). Thank you very much for the advice - I'm seeing pDoc in a few weeks.

I am, I am! Shall be out your way Friday afternoon, and there until Sunday afternoon. Hopefully I shall see your good self?


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