Even Malcolm Tucker disapproves of you.

Nov 04, 2009 01:18

No. No, actually, there is no "what is it really thing." I do not even fucking understand where you are coming from on this. It is very simple: he was she, now he's he. And if you take a while to adjust, fine, and if you can't always remember the name, fine. But there is no "what is it really". If you don't know what "it" is, then we have several dictionaries in the house I would be pleased to point you to.

I know I've gotten a tad rantier about this subject than usual. It's just that over the last few months my reaction to transbigoted stuff has gone from "Well, that's most unfortunate" to "You are beyond insane! IN A BAD WAY!"

Yeah, so, tDoc is pushing me towards antianxiety medication. I can't argue with her, really. Even I agree that it would be good, if it worked. Given my history with drugs, that is an enormous if. She also wants me to go up on my antidepressant, which I'm really, really not for, just because I don't know where my danger zone is (this is the drug that sent me into hypomania), but I know I'm getting close. And as chronicled before, I really don't wanna change over, especially because it would mean changing classes of antidepressant, or taking a cocktail. I don't even want to think about how much this will cost me. But at the same time, I can't argue that I need it. I cannot go on this way, unaided.

Oh look. The majority of antianxiety drugs are addictive depressants. FUCKING WONDERFUL. *chews knuckles*

I got the okay for this weekend! Apparently some combination of "I have no big assignments next week," Bambi eyes, and "And it's almost my birth~day~", Mum actually suggested I leave on Friday, something I hadn't dared to hope for. So, I get to see Lovely People AND avoid dinner at VSGA's. Score! :D

I finally watched "Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead," and, you may mock me for this, but I was reduced to a puddle of romantic goo. I'm not even sure why, since I usually want love interests to go their merry way ASAP, and about 60% of Whodom considers River Song to be a flaming Mary Sue (with a farther 30% insisting she's Romana reincarnated, and a final 10% liking/disliking her for sane reasons). Judgment on how good/bad the episodes were shall be reserved until I see how much impact they have on characterization later in the plot. Some time during the latter half of the second episode, the line "She thought she'd live forever, but forever always ends" popped into my head. Now, I really want to make icons.

doctor who, karla jay was right, listening to:covenant, rant, fandom, mood:anxious, sgt. flippytail, braincrazies

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