I foolishly said "me too" to painkillers. #blogjune

Jun 22, 2015 22:29


Can't really write much tonight, I took some painkillers this morning and because I was lazy instead of finding some panadol or something I took some of the painkillers I have left over from my surgery a few months ago. Turns out I'm actually really really intolerant to painkillers and have spent the entire day with the world floating around my head too afraid to actually leave the house because I figured if I was having trouble standing upright I would probably fair poorly behind a steering wheel.

This Week.

  • Monday: Painkillers and the consequences of taking them.
  • Tuesday: 4 Shows you should be watching.
  • Wednesday: Finding time to write.
  • Thursday: My Resume and how many pages it should be.
  • Friday: Managing Volunteers.
  • Saturday: The Very Quiet Young Girls Guide to Dealing with Multiple Personalities.
  • Sunday: Short Story Sunday.

My Day.

I got up at about 5am because I went to bed so early and because my leg hurts and every time I roll in bed I wake up from the pain until I couldn't go back to sleep.
So I got up, played some games on my computer and then eventually my brother woke up and I made him breakfast before taking two codeine tablets for the pain.

This was a mistake because I don't usually take painkillers of any kind so two pills meant to relieve pain after surgery really really kicked my teeth in. At around 11am I got a text from a mate of mine telling me that Far Cry 4 was on sale on Steam and that we should buy it because we both really enjoyed Far Cry 3, and I did. And I also bought Shadow of Mordor, some FPS game I can't even remember the name of(Shadow Warrior, I checked), Alien: Isolation and the first two Witcher Games. I spent almost $130 on games I'm not going to play before the end of next month let alone this month and I still am on track to buy the new Batman game on Thursday. So I think I've just paid for at least 150 hours of gaming none of which I have time for right now.

After that I made some lunch and slowly came down from the clouds but was still woozy up until around 3pm when I drove over to my brothers house and looked after him. We went out and got some steaks for dinner with our dad and afterwards I came home and got to watch the first Matt Smith episode of Doctor Who(The Eleventh Hour) which was as brilliant now as it was back then watching it for the first time.

Now I'm going to sleep because while the pills have run their course I'm still barely functioning due to a lack of sleep and I need to be up early in the morning.

YouTube Clip of the Day.

Really looking forwards to watching this show when it comes out.

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