1/4 complete.

Jun 03, 2011 22:09

June 3.
A slightly less shitty day today. Still ended up spending too much time in front of a computer typing, which ironically is what I'm doing right now, except that I'm not in a library for once or at my brothers house instead tonight I'm in the middle of the queen street mall watching the people go by and hoping to find a free wi-fi port somewhere out here.
I finished my first of four assignments today, I started it at about 10pm last night, stopping briefly to write and upload my yesterday entry for #blogjune and then pushed on till around 4am when I just couldn't stay awake anymore and managed to get into a nice semi-sleep before Matt woke up and needed me to make him breakfast, dress him and get his pills for the day. I managed to pull it all off despite mostly sleepwalking my way through the process and then made sure the oven, stove and other semi-dangerous things were turned off and put away I went back to sleep leaving him the entire house to himself for once. I think he liked not having to worry about things being moved but I also think he didn't like having to make his own tea, something I wish no-one had ever taught him to do because cleaning up after he finishes the milk is a living nightmare.
I set my alarm for 930 so obviously I woke up at midday. I called my partners in my group assignment and told them I'd be about an hour late, I figured I could finish up my first assignment in two hours and then afterwards I would probably be able to at least get a good start on my next one. I did actually finish most of it in under two hours inside the Corinda public library, which was nice and warm unlike the outside of it which is cold and unforgiving. I caught the train into town for no good reason at about 2pm met up with my team and had to report that I hadn't finished my part yet and that we should probably meet up again next week to combine and conclude our report.
They didn't seem too happy with me, another reason I don't like group projects, you can't help but feel like a dick when you don't do your part unlike regular assignments where you can just cruise through at the last minute. The QUT library wasn't the location of our meeting for once which was different, we met at S block and I just sat down and broke my way through the assignment that was due at five, submitting it at about 4.45pm. Afterwards I left to go to the library but instead figured I hadn't showered the night before and needed to get somewhat clean so I went to Matts place instead and had a shower, read my comics for the week(comics were delayed by Memorial day in the states) and then tried to watch the TV that I'd gone three months without on Friday nights. Good god TV on Friday nights is dreck. I managed to eat some leftover Ratatouille from Wednesday night(needed an absolute arseload of salt to make it palatable) and then just kind of rested because I'm honestly buggered from the last few days of limited sleep and rushing around. My life has revolved around the university library, my brothers house, Corinda library and the trainline that connects them.

After Matt got home I left him with his carer and went to the city to return to the library to attempt to get some preliminary work done. So far I've made it to Queens Street where I met this strange drunk guy who was nice enough, he was a glazier who lost his job last week and was drinking to celebrate or something. We got talking about computers and I mentioned I was training to be a librarian and he told me that a librarian saved his life. She'd helped him with his resume the week before and was really really friendly about him using their internet and providing him with what he needed to get himself a new job. It reminded me of the New York City Public Library, there is a square of marble in the main hall at the front, it has some guys name. He'd left his sizable fortune to the library system and no-one there had ever heard of him, apparently he'd used the library every day when he came to the city and had learnt English and a trade there and then used that knowledge to get a job and eventually build an embpire of sorts. Its one of the many stories about libraries that make me happy to have chosen to work in this field. So I guess that's a good thing.
Okay, off to find a free wifi point to upload this malarky.

Turns out the wifi at Brisbane Square library isn't worth the taxes I don't pay. Had to ride a bike to the university to upload this. Lovely and invigorating. And I'm going to win that trip to Paris.

Twitter Feed of the Day: @bajopants his misery at not going to E3 is hilarious.
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