010. Investigating - June/July - Rambles & Snippets - Fiction[NET]

Jun 28, 2007 22:11

"Maybe?" Jairdan asked, his voice strangely blank. "Why only a maybe?"
"I don't think I'm exactly mother material." Tyn replied blandly as she gazed at the little human in her arms. "I wouldn't be able to be the best mother possible and I couldn't bring someone into this world when I can't give him the best."
Jairdan didn't know how to respond to that. He didn't know how to say seeing her sitting there, curled up with the little bundle in her arms and the soft look on her face was stirring feelings inside his mind. They had always been best friends, business partners, partners in crime. And now they were together and while hardly romantic in public and tried to act as if they weren't really all that crazy about each other than they actually were and he wanted to have a child with her. Maybe. Maybe his brain was just in a bit of a glitch because after all, they were rough and careless and he'd just shot her for crying out loud - their lifestyle really wasn't anything they could raise a child in and leaving their work wasn't even an option. It wasn’t even worth investigating, a child in their life just didn’t fit in.

“You’d be a better mother than you think.” Jairdan replied shortly, not knowing what else to say. “You’re doing well holding Nilda. I don’t trust myself to.” Jairdan hadn’t held the young girl yet, not once, he was content to dote constantly instead. He just hovered by Tyn as she held her and let the child wrap her whole hand around one of his fingers.
“Well here, it’s not as hard as it looks.” Tyn held out her arms with the almost dozing infant and waited while Jairdan shot her an exasperated look.
“Tyn, I don’t know how and I don’t want to drop her.”
“We’re sitting down, but you won’t drop her anyway, I won’t let you. Now, hold your arms in a cradling motion at your chest.”
He complied and tensed up as she arranged the baby in his arms.
“Support her head and wrap your arms around her - pretend she’s made of jewels.” Tyn teased softly, moving closer so she was half sitting in his lap as well and could be there if Nilda somehow slipped from Jairdan’s uneasy hold. “Pretend you’ve been shot in the shoulder and you’re holding your arm in pain… yet your injured arm is Nilda.”
Jairdan automatically adjusted his arms as if that were so and then it suddenly felt right, the baby felt secure in his arms and he looked up at Tyn proudly before he looked back down at their now sleeping godchild. “She’s so tiny…”
“You look good holding her.” Tyn smiled, leaning in to rest her head on his shoulder and wrap her arm around the small bundle as well. They sat like that for hours, talking quietly and gazing at the small infant, secretly wondering about the future…

<--- 009. Why the Hurry || 011. Water --->

fiction[net]: rambles & snippets, original writing: pirates without a sky

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