The years went past quickly. They found where they could strike by visiting taverns, sitting quietly in corners so they weren’t noticed as they listened in on what treasures other Sky Pirates dreamed of getting their hands on, and then they just got there first. It was that simple.
They soon had a reputation, not as the best or most daring Sky Pirates out there but some of the best known. They were secretive, didn’t brag about their triumphs in bars or make a big show of themselves like some others did, some others who were always caught after a year or two.
The life never got old, was never boring. Jairdan could spend weeks working on the ship alone and still go to bed happy every night. He loved his ship, loved Shaelt, and was slightly disappointed when Vera, while she didn’t dislike the ship in any way, sometimes commented on what she wished it had. It was only little things though, hardly anything. Jairdan was just so sensitive over his ship who he loved with every atom of his being. The ship was a little old, slightly battered and war worn and yet to him it shone like the brightest star in his sky.
The disadvantages of living the life of a Sky Pirate didn’t bother him nor Vera too much. They both lived off the dry packed food easily, it only made the fresh fruit and bread (when they had it rarely) taste all that more better anyhow, and they both found out just how simply they could live. He thought of their years in that rich, stylish life and felt sick. How could they have lived like kings when there were people out on the streets? Up in the skies he and Vera only took what they needed, ate what they could sparingly and it felt simply more rewarding.
“I could live this life forever.” Jairdan mused happily to Vera. “It’s better than I even dreamed it could be.”
“It is pretty wonderful.” She agreed. “Just…”
“Just what?”
“Everyone gets caught in the end, don’t they? Whitburry last week…”
“Not all, Hills retired, didn’t he? So he won, he lived the life and didn’t get caught.”
“Yeah, retired to enjoy the rest of his limbs. I don’t really consider it a win when you lose your arms and your legs…”
Jairdan shrugged. “Just a technicality.” He grinned.
Vera shook her head but chuckled. “Would you be happy, ending your life like that? All for being a Sky Pirate?”
Jairdan shrugged, but half nodded too. “If I still had all my memories.” He replied, a content smile on his face as he thought about it.
“Oh come on, lies! You’d go mental!” Vera protested. “You’d be stuck in a wheelchair, all for-”
“If it were after years and years of this life… and not tomorrow, I wouldn’t be so upset.” He cut in. “As long as I had my memories.”
Vera shook her head. “You’re crazy.”
<--- 021. Morose ||
023. Tell me More --->