I wonder what the not pathetic people are doing tonight.

Sep 28, 2009 22:35

The Big Bang Theory actually made me ~*Laugh Out Loud*~ tonight multiple times. I have no idea how a show that started out so mediocre has become one of the funniest shows on TV (I'd say Jim Parsons has a whooole lot to do with that, but I digress) but I love it ( Read more... )

icons, books, big bang theory, true blood

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Comments 33

bana76 September 29 2009, 03:13:03 UTC
What is this liquid smoke business all about?


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:18:49 UTC
It's this stuff that's like hickory essence or something and you rub it on meat before you cook it so it tastes like you smoked it when you really didn't LOL. I'm making this Hawaiian-style pork that's technically supposed to be cooked on the ground under some banana leaves, but since I'm no disgusting I'm using a crock pot and liquid smoke XD


citri September 29 2009, 03:15:47 UTC
Rub your hands with a cut lemon half, that usually works in getting ucky smelly scents off your hands. I mean they will smell lemony but that's way better than smoky Whoppers IMO.


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:24:25 UTC
I wonder if a lime would work LOL I only have a lime!



pinkphatty_wut September 29 2009, 03:19:26 UTC
I am insanely jealous that Roger Sterling is following you on Twitter. He's a total GFILF (GrandFather I'd like to... you know the rest).


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:27:59 UTC
Hahaha yeah he is hot, I have no idea why whoever that is added me, I'm only following "Peggy" for now XD


tiyen_leon September 29 2009, 03:20:54 UTC
For Halloween have you ever decided on using Tru Blood for your cocktails?

Here's a classic: The Fangbanger!

*Tru Blood

Make sure that your vodka is ice cold and mix this two parts Tru Blood to one part vodka. Serve over ice.

and you can make a bloody er, uh, blood rim!:

The blood rim is made from the same kind of mixture as you use to make hard candy. It’s actually pretty easy, but you will need a candy thermometer (which you can find at most grocery stores).

1 c. Sugar
1/2 c. Karo Syrup
1/2 c. Water
Red Food Coloring
Cinnamon (optional)

Have you bought your Tru Blood on HBO yet? Tehr yummy.


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:29:10 UTC
This is awesome!!! One of my BFFs was Sookie for Halloween last year and she carried around a bottle of the Tru Blood, but I don't think we ever actually opened it!


sarmoti September 29 2009, 03:20:59 UTC
Mmm, love pork roast from the slow cooker. The recipes I've used don't include liquid smoke, and I don't think I want them to. :) I have one of those silver "soap" bars shaped that you rub with your hands and it neutralizes scents like fish and garlic, so something that that should be handy for the BK smell too.


ack_attack September 29 2009, 03:36:04 UTC
Apparently the liquid smoke makes it taste AMAZING, but note to self, I should wear GLOVES next time!! Sigh.


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