...take off your pants.

Aug 04, 2009 21:28

I just finally watched True Blood!

Spoilers, obviously! )

true blood

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Comments 33

elizardbits August 5 2009, 01:59:42 UTC
HOYT AND JESSICA ARE SO FUCKING AWESOME. I would watch a show just about them, and Eric & Pam. Ok, and Lafayette. And Jason. >_>

I think Jason was shot with a paintball gun. At close range, they hurt like fuck, and pretty much anyone would prolly drop like a sucka if they got hit by one. ALSO: in the previews for next week, you can see for like a second that he has a big glob of yellow (maybe red, i forget) paint on his chest.

Maryann just kind of irritates me now. And I was kind of psyched when she had Eggs shank Daphne, cause Daphne was OMG MEEEN TO SAAAAM, which is just not allowed.

The almost-rape of Sookie was maybe a little too fucking realistic. Pleh. QUIT IT, TRUE BLOOD.


(The comment has been removed)

curious_hair August 5 2009, 03:41:03 UTC
I do the same thing with "SOOKIE" in the Bill voice.


ottermatic August 5 2009, 15:34:27 UTC
Ha! I do that, too.


malicat August 5 2009, 02:07:27 UTC
I'm pretty sure that Jason isn't dead. That looked like either a tazer thingy or a paintball gun. And who would bring us the lulz if he was dead?!

I kinda hated Jason in season 1 but now I like him a lot. And you are right,Ryan Kwanten really is a great actor :)


iamalreadyinuse August 5 2009, 02:15:22 UTC
I'm lost. whooooo is Joyce?

Godric is kinda cute.



ack_attack August 6 2009, 00:24:21 UTC
Isn't Joyce Bill's maker? Maybe I messed up her name LOL


ack_attack August 6 2009, 00:25:17 UTC
LOL yeah it's Lorena, have no idea where I got Joyce from LOL.


proggrrl August 5 2009, 02:32:03 UTC
OMG, I'm so psyched you watch TB! Didn't know you did! :-D

I've been defending Maryann and her part on the show over on the TB fan comm I help mod, trueblood_tv...I got pretty opinionated on her plotline and posted this, if yr interested in my thoughts. ;-)

Andy was too hilarious this week!


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