...take off your pants.

Aug 04, 2009 21:28

I just finally watched True Blood!


- Jason's DON'T-YOU-TALK-ABOUT-MY-SISTER ass kicking!!!!! I swear that kid is one of the best actors on this show. The scene with Church Lady was hilarious!!
- Lafayette and Eggs talking at the bar!! Ha!
- Godric coming in at the end and ripping that guy off Sookie!!! I thought it would be Eric, but that was even better!
- Lorena is a crazy bitch, no?? She totally got the coolest wardrobe on this show, though haha.
- Hoyt and Jessica, yet again, FTFW. lol I want a candle that smells like soup.
- Even though I kind of like Bill less and less as each week goes by (and like Eric more and more), I do love this whole idea that it's so unheard of for a vampire to actually love a human.
- Arlene "date raping" Terry! HAHAHA these poor people!! They are all starting to black out more than my friends.


- JASON!!!!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! WTF??????
- Is Eggs a bad guy or a good guy? Were his eyes black there at the end when he stabbed Daphne?
- WHY IS MARYANN SO EVIL? I need to read up on this stuff, but so she's like...a manifestation of the devil? Or evil, rather? Frakking Admiral Cain. Daphne sounded like a cult member when she was telling Sam what Maryann was. And seriously the best name a GOD can come up with is...Maryann? lol wut.
- Poor Andy, no one believes him! (PIIIIG!)

true blood

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