Hootie Hoo!

Aug 04, 2009 19:44

I made a pillow for one of my good friends who had a housewarming party last weekend. He's a dude, so I wanted to make something relatively unisex to match his coffee-colored living room.

I somehow managed to knit this thing up in like a week. Mostly out of necessity haha.

Stuff that knitters care about: I made this pattern up off the top of my head except for the actual owl cables, which I stole from this pattern.

Yarn: Cascade Yarns Eco Alpaca Colorway 1511 (i.e. THE SOFTEST YARN EVER, omg)
Needles: Size 7

This was made to cover a 16x16" pillow form.

The front!

The back!

The Hooters!

He liked it. Mission accomplished.

In other news, last night my friend and I attended a kind of entrepreneur workshop at the Wharton School at UPenn so we can get the ball rolling on our awesome craft studio idea. We are so excited. :D

Off to watch True Blood now. There are not enough freaking hours in the day, guys.

pillow, biz, real life, knitting

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