Proving once again I have too much time on my hands...

Jul 21, 2009 20:15

Want to see the ridiculous Harry Potter-related dessert I concocted this weekend in celebration of the movie coming out?

LOL. )

food, crafts, blanket, nerdery, babies, biz, rhinebeck, real life, knitting, lol, hbp, hp

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Comments 94

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ack_attack July 22 2009, 00:50:15 UTC
Haha thank you!! I just like making stuff lol.


jigglykat July 22 2009, 00:47:49 UTC
I love that Twilight Zone-looking blanket!


ack_attack July 22 2009, 00:50:59 UTC
Thanks! :D


juliamac July 22 2009, 00:47:55 UTC
Hey! I own a paint-your-own pottery studio and I started out as a general craft store with lots of in-house instruction. We've morphed over the years, but I'm happy to help you in any way I can. Feel free to pick my brain any way you want. I've been open 10 years and have made all the typical mistakes and would be happy to chat with you any time.

I have a ton of resources I can direct you to, from lease negotiations to suppliers. Would love to help!


ack_attack July 22 2009, 00:53:19 UTC
Wow seriously this is fantastic!!! I will absolutely be picking your brain!! I didn't feel like explaining the entire thing in the post but we want to do this crazy thing where we combine a mental health practice with a craft studio so the clients who come for therapy can also come and do crafts as part of their therapy, although the crafts will be open for the public as well. But we know tons of artists and crafty people who I'm sure would love to teach a class here and there, and I know how to do enough to get us started at least haha.

But thanks so much, I'll definitely be coming to you with questions!! :D


juliamac July 22 2009, 01:03:29 UTC
Very cool concept. There is a place here called Studio By The Tracks that does that in a way - provides art eduction for kids with autism, and funds the whole thing with offering classes to the general public.

Best of luck, and feel free to ask away!


ack_attack July 22 2009, 01:14:46 UTC
Ooooh I'll have to check out their site, awesome!! We were also thinking of doing something with kids, we have another friend who works with kids with cerebral palsy and she could bring them on field trips and whatnot. So cool.


elizardbits July 22 2009, 00:49:14 UTC
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh god, that's even more awesome than the toy hatch someone got you (last year? the year before?) that I totally thought was actually a nommy hatchcake. I STILL NEED TO BAKE A HATCHCAKE ONE DAY BTW.



ack_attack July 22 2009, 00:56:25 UTC
LOL that hatch is still sitting right next to my desk, along with Sawyer on his raft hahaha. Actually this weekend my friends and I decided I need to have a Lost Party at some point soon, so I guarantee a hatchcake will be thrown in there somehow!!!

OMG REALLY? My friend and I are going to visit it and maybe set up a little chat with the owners to pick their brains!


elizardbits July 22 2009, 01:02:54 UTC

I've never actually been there, but I'm pretty sure it's the same place a few of my more crafty friends have taken classes & workshops.


ack_attack July 22 2009, 01:15:53 UTC
It's sounds frickin' awesome, I want to check it out!


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ack_attack July 22 2009, 00:58:00 UTC
Isn't it SO CRAZY??? As soon as I found the pattern I knew I had to make it ASAP. You should totally start knitting, you would love it!!!!! And then you'll be unstoppable LOL.


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ack_attack July 22 2009, 01:03:20 UTC
We need to hang out and I can show you! It's so much easier than everyone thinks it is, I taught myself using a book and a website, no help at all. So it can't be all that bad haha. And you can make the most fun stuff!


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