
Dec 15, 2008 22:02

Look at all this FRAKKING COOL BSG STUFF that they are auctioning off!!! WOW. I wish I had $10,000 laying around. I'd buy Ander's undershirt or something lol.

(thanks to coldwash for the linkage ( Read more... )

himym, michael trucco, anders, big bang theory, dexter, bsg

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Comments 31

alohachary1851 December 16 2008, 03:26:22 UTC
I thought Big Bang Theory would appeal to my science nerdiness.

It doesn't because I understand them completely and it's entirely NOT FUNNY with the laugh track ;___;

HIMYM though is Motha effing WIIIIN


ack_attack December 16 2008, 03:30:01 UTC
The laugh track on that show is PAINFUL!!!! Don't they know by now that shows like that are much MUCH better without a laugh track? Let the audience think for themselves, don't tell them when they're supposed to think stuff is funny lol.

HIMYM!!!! I had seen S1 a while ago and liked it alright, but S2 really brought it haha.


merlinburgh December 16 2008, 03:35:14 UTC
Oh I wish I was rich! I would so buy Baltar's bathrobe! Hahah!


sunnyringo December 16 2008, 03:36:08 UTC
Dexter was sooo disappointing this season. There were a few good episodes, but it was mostly meh. D: The show has been renewed for two more seasons, but I feel like it's already starting to run out of steam. D:


wind_the_frog December 16 2008, 03:36:47 UTC
oooh I'm gonna watch Dex now!!

HIMYM is flippin hilarious! I've only seen S1, just started on S2. But yeah its awesome. Time to make some icons, maybe? It would be legendary, ha. =D


spectralbovine December 16 2008, 03:37:03 UTC
I loved Dream!Harry! He worked really well as both a manifestation of Dexter's relationship with his father and his conscience.

(Like what's the deal with Quinn? Did they really make us deal with the bitchy CIA chick for like half the season just because he accidentally got his partner killed? Like seriously??)

we had entire episodes of La Guerta making out with Prado, watching Rita and Syl drinking tea and talking about their periods, watching Angel's hooker!girlfriend bringing him food at work...it's like cut the crap. This show is called "Dexter" not "All the People in Dexter's Life Making Friends and Living Their Lives."
I really liked that, actually. I love that this show develops its secondary characters.

I found this season really interesting, and I'm not sure whether I like it more or less than season two. The finale wasn't superexciting, but I'm really enjoying the progression of Dexter's character. And Deb!! Season one is near perfect, though.


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