
Dec 15, 2008 22:02

Look at all this FRAKKING COOL BSG STUFF that they are auctioning off!!! WOW. I wish I had $10,000 laying around. I'd buy Ander's undershirt or something lol.

(thanks to coldwash for the linkage!)

Speaking of Anders, did anyone see Trucco on Big Bang Theory tonight? I think he was wearing his own leather jacket ha ha. I liked this guest spot much more than the one from last week on Law and Order:SVU. Super hot scientist >>> Serial Rapist. For realsies.

So I just watched the finale of Dexter.

This season was subpar at best. I don't know. Season 1 > Season 2 > Season 3. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for Season 4.


The good: DEB. Masuka. Jimmy Smits screaming on that rooftop a few episodes ago. Dexter when he actually got to kill someone on occasion. Did I mention Deb?! And her shiny new boyfriend and badge!?!?! AW! The Camille episode was also very good.

The bad: Jimmy Smits 90% of the time. LA GUERTA. Rita. That stupid other lawyer and La Guerta's totally forced BFF-ship with her just so someone would be upset that she was dead. Dream!Harry. The entire Freebo thing. Angel getting a hooker and then falling in love with her.

The awful: NO DOAKES ;_;

On the upside:: NO LILA!

So...yeah. It was alright. But nothing very twisty happened. And there were a lot of loose ends. (Like what's the deal with Quinn? Did they really make us deal with the bitchy CIA chick for like half the season just because he accidentally got his partner killed? Like seriously??)

And if they were planning on the Skinner guy kidnapping Dexter all along, why not play with it a little more? That could have made a whole awesome episode, but no, we had entire episodes of La Guerta making out with Prado, watching Rita and Syl drinking tea and talking about their periods, watching Angel's hooker!girlfriend bringing him food at work...it's like cut the crap. This show is called "Dexter" not "All the People in Dexter's Life Making Friends and Living Their Lives."

Um...SURPRISE, MUTHAFUCKAH! This show was best when it was Dexter killing bad guys and pretending to have feelings. Not ACTUALLY having feelings. I mean yeah, natural progression of the character and all, but I miss S1 Dexter. More of that, plz.

In other news, I've been mainlining How I Met Your Mother and The Big Bang Theory over the last few weeks. HIMYM: I've watched Seasons 2 and 3 in like 2 weeks. It's pretty awesome. I love Barney, love Marshall, can't stand Ted. I'm sure I'm with 99% of you on that one.

Big Bang Theory is vaguely funny. I keep watching it for obscure nerd references. It's too sitcommy for my taste, and listening to the blond chick call all those guys SWEETIE every 5 seconds makes me want to claw my eyes out (and seriously guys like THAT would LOATHE a girl like that in real life...I mean...COME ON), but Sheldon is pretty funny sometimes haha.

himym, michael trucco, anders, big bang theory, dexter, bsg

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