In honor of Jake's new movie, I figured I would do a Super Spectaculaar Gyllenhaal Spaam.
Okay first of all, this picture is why I think Daniel Radcliffe will regret all this recent nakey time in a few years. Because 17 is an awkward age for everyone. LOOOOOL Oh my god. His hair is out of control.
Who knew eventually one day he'd look like THIS? *fans self*
This picture wins because of Tom Hanks randomly sitting in the background LOL.
He looks really mad in this one, but HE'S WEARING CHUCKS.
LEANING. I wish this one was bigger.
I've always wanted to be a Gyllenhaal.
This makes me weak in the loins.
Luckiest dog ever.
Okay, the rest of these don't need any captions except for either "GUH" or "LOOK HOW HAPPY HE IS" ;lkdflksdjfl
I'm going to go make them all into icons now :D
And if you haven't seen this yet, Jake on the Daily Show a few days ago. UM JAKE AND JON ARE ALL BFF? If I saw the two of them playing basketball in NYC I would probably have a heart attack.