"String Theory." Chapter Two.

Nov 22, 2008 18:09

Story: String Theory
Chapter: Two: Introductions (2/?)
Character(s)/Pairing: Zoe/Wash; eventual Rayne
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1505
Disclaimer: Not mine. (I do own Bonny and Mike, though.)
-Author's Notes: I'd read chapter one if you haven't already. It sorta explains stuff. I think. Heh. And there are some story notes in there that might be important, too. This took FOREVER to write, and I'm still not happy with it. Blahr. Let's hope chapter three is better.

String Theory

2: Introductions

Mal and Zoe exchanged glances. The captain cleared his throat and said to the girl, “Hello there. ‘M Malcolm Reynolds, captain of Serenity - and this is my first mate Zoe. Understand you’re lookin’ for a ride outta here. Before we go get your friend, maybe we could negotiate a price.”

The tall girl shook her head and waved her hand. “We’ll pay whatever you ask. Just… Let us off soon as you can.”

There was a desperate edge to her voice - Zoe caught it but said nothing. The girl was decent looking, with a wide mouth and a softly pointed chin. She reminded Zoe of someone, though the first mate couldn’t put her finger on why. Her skin was a creamy caramel, and she had a head full of thick curls bundled into a ponytail a little higher than her ears.

Mal nodded, rather pleased. “Think we got ourselves a deal, then. It just you an’… said his name was Mike?”

“Yes, that’s right. I’m Bonny and he’s Mike - it’s just us.” She sighed and looked down at the ground for a long moment. “We really shouldn’t… If we wait a little longer, maybe we can - “

“You’re not thinkin’ o’ findin’ another ship, are you?” Mal asked worriedly. “I promise, Serenity is as sky-worthy as they come. You just see her, an’ - “

“We’re good people,” Zoe interrupted. “An’ we need the coin. So if you need a ride, it seems like a convenient situation for all if you just come with us.”

Bonny sighed again and squinted, her head tilted up to the ceiling in thought. “Fine,” she said finally. “I guess it would be okay. Or if not okay, it’s at least the best thing we got right now. And we wouldn’t have to stay with y’all for long.”

“Nope, no strings here. We cart you to where ever abouts you want to go, you pay us, never have to see each other again.”

“Right.” She laughed harshly and said, “Sounds simple enough.” Rolling her shoulders, Bonny let out a long breath and then told them, “Follow me. We still have to get Mike up. He hasn’t been feelin’ well. He’s…” She bit her lip. “Well, y’could say a sensitive boy, and being around people like Badger doesn’t exactly help him out.”

Mal nodded at her in agreement - because no one could like spending time with Badger - and said, “Well then. Lead the way.”

She turned back towards where the man had dragged her from and walked through tattered yellow curtains, parting them with a casual hand. Mal and Zoe followed behind, hoping that the boy wasn’t going to sick anywhere near them and that the girl wasn’t lying about having money respectively. A large, lump was on the floor and Bonny knelt down beside it and shook it gently.

“Hey,” she said softly. “Michael… Time to wake up. I got us a ride - a nice captain’s going to help us find a way to get home.”

The lump groaned and began to shift, and after it sat up Mal was able to make out a large, male form. It was dimly lit in the little area they were in and he couldn’t make out much in the way of definite features.

“Wha… Home?” The Michael-lump coughed and turned his head towards Bonny.

“Yeah, that’s right. Here, lemme help you up.” She stood and stretched out a hand and the young man grabbed it and jerkily righted himself. He was probably about Jayne’s height, though not quite as broad. “Now, just… Just remember, Mike, we gotta leave here; Badger’s not gonna let us stay any longer.” She gestured towards Mal and Zoe. “This is captain Malcolm Reynolds and his first mate. They’re gonna be the ones givin’ us a ride.”

“Nice to meet you,” Mal said pleasantly. “Now let’s get outta this gorram place in case whatever Badger’s got’s catchin’.”

“Yeah. Sure. Nice to meet ya captain.” He groaned and put a hand to his forehead. “I don’t… Don’t know if I’m well enough to - “

“Michael!” Bonny hissed. “I… Look, we don’t have another option! What d’ya wanna do? Just stay here forever? We have a ride and we’re gonna rutting take it.” She grabbed his arm. “Sorry about Mike, captain. He always gets a little cranky after his naps. Now let’s go.”

She led the large young man out quickly. Zoe gave Mal a look as they followed. “Right,” she said drily. “Sure seems like a sensitive young man to me.”


“Well,” Mal said, thumbs hooked under his suspenders. He surveyed his gathered crew and held back a smile, glad at last to be able to show them he’d found an opportunity to get some coin. “These’re gonna be our new passengers. Girl’s named Bonny. Boy’s named Michael.”

“Nice t’meet ya!” Kaylee said brightly, giving them a big smile. “I’m Kaylee, the mechanic. Know you’ll love travelin’ on my girl here. Serenity’s just about the best thing you could ever ask for when it comes to sailin’ true.”

“Good to meet you, too, Kaylee,” Bonny said with a smile of her own. Michael, staring at the floor, only grunted.

“And I’m Wash,” the pilot said. “Handsome, debonair pilot - and the lovely Zoe’s ball and chain.”

Bonny’s smile faltered. “Oh… Hello.” She stepped closer to Michael, latching tightly onto his arm. “It’s… It’s nice to meet you.”

Wash gave her a look, wondering why she suddenly seemed so unfriendly. “I don’t bite,” he said with a grin. “I’m well-trained.”

“Yeah, ‘cause Zoe’s a hard ass,” Jayne said, smirking at the pilot. He nodded shortly at the new passengers. “Name’s Jayne Cobb.”

“Jayne?” Michael snorted. “Ain’t that a - “

“You say girl’s name an’ I swear I’ll tear your ruttin’ balls off, no matter how much you’re payin’ Mal.”

“You don’t scare me.”

Jayne took a step forward, his scowl morphing into something more dangerous. “Oh I don’t, huh? Well lemme - “

“Stop it,” Zoe said, leveling Jayne with a stern look and a cocked brow. “Get along, boys, or cap’n’ll put you in time out.”

“His fault,” Jayne muttered.

“Ain’t my fault he’s got a girl’s name.”

“Mike,” Bonny said, punching his shoulder. “You better stop fighting. Don’t antagonize him - he’s bigger’n you.”

“Only a little.”

Wash laughed. “He knows what ‘antagonize’ means. I guess he’s not as much like Jayne as I thought.”

The merc growled. “Watch it, little man.”

Wash backed up a step, his hands raised, but his grin didn’t falter. “Oh no, I’ve made him angry.”

Mal grunted. “Hey. Captain here. Wanna let me get on with the introducin’?” Wash looked down in mock shame. “So… Yeah, this is our pilot, first mate, mechanic and hired gun. Now where’s the Shepherd?”

“Here, captain,” Book said evenly, strolling up to the small crowd. “Hello. It’s nice to meet the two of you - I’m the crew’s Shepherd, you could say.”

“Nice to meet you, sir,” Bonny said politely. Michael only looked at the Shepherd warily. She squeezed his hand, but he only scowled.

“An’ that’s the crew!” Mal clapped his hands together, ready to get underway. If they were lucky, the two passengers would never need to know about Simon and River. There was no way to know whether he could trust the two of them, and he didn’t plan on taking any chances. “Now let’s get you settled in - an’ then we can start headin’ for…” He paused. “Where’re you headed again?”

Bonny glanced quickly at Mike. “Don’t much care, Captain,” the boy drawled. “We just… don’t want to be where we are.”

“There ain’t no trouble followin’ you, is there? ‘Cause I don’t want to be dealin’ with - “

“Don’t worry,” Bonny told him. “We’re not being chased. We’re runnin’ to, not from.”

Zoe raised a suspicious brow. “Runnin’ to, but you don’t know where you’re going?”

“We’re searchin’ for our ship,” Michael told her quickly. “Ran into trouble an’ they had to leave Bonny an’ me on Persephone.”

Jayne snorted. “Yeah, ‘m sure.” He hooked a thumb into his belt, fingers resting lightly against the knife that hung there. “I don’t trust ‘em, Mal.”

The captain sighed, trying not to roll his eyes. “Well that sounds like your own problem, Jayne. An’ whether they’re lyin’ or not, they’re willin’ to pay us. So let’s jus’ leave these people t’their own business.” He nodded to his crew. “Kaylee… You wanna take ‘em to the passenger dorms?”

“Sure, Cap!” the mechanic said brightly. “C’mon guys! Follow me.” She smiled at Bonny and Michael and led them off, chattering to them all the while.

Jayne and the Shepherd went to the mess, and Wash headed back to the bridge.

“So.” Mal looked over to see his first mate giving him a blank look, her arms crossed loosely over her chest. “Think we can trust them?”

“Oh, I’m sure they’re hidin’ somethin’,” he replied. “But so’re we.” He gave her a tight smile. “So no worries. It’ll be fine.”


Feedback and reviews always appreciated.


character: malcolm reynolds, genre: general, rating: pg, pairing: zoe/wash, character: michael cobb (oc), character: hoban washburne, fandom: firefly, character: kaylee frye, fic: string theory, character: jayne cobb, length: 1000-2500 words, character: bonny washburne (oc)

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