"String Theory." Chapter One.

Sep 01, 2008 01:50

Story: String Theory
Chapter: One: Time Unraveled (1/?)
Character(s)/Pairing: Zoe/Wash; eventual Rayne
Rating: PG
Word Count: 2655
Disclaimer: Not mine. (I do own Bonny and Mike, though.)
-Author's Notes: Well! A new venture. We'll see how this goes. If you don't care about spoilers, I'd suggest reading the notes at the bottom.

String Theory

1: Time Unraveled

A tall boy with dark hair and blue eyes offers his hand to the girl on the ground beside him. He’s careful to keep his other hand on the holster of the gun at his hip. “Here. You all right, Bonny?”

The girl smiles and stands up, dusting herself off. He gives her a comforting pat on the shoulder. “I’m fine. At least I think I’m fine. What happened to us?” She’s shorter than him, with tawny skin and a thick ponytail of curls hanging down her back. “And what happened to the ship? Are we even still on Persephone?” She looks around, one hand reaching unconsciously for the boy’s. Her surroundings should have been familiar, but other than some recognizable buildings she had no idea where she was. “Mike… I think something’s wrong.”

He nodded with a long, quiet sigh. “Yeah. Bonny, the question ain’t where we are; I hate to say it, but I think it’s when we are.”



The captain frowned but didn’t put his book down. Couldn’t a man get a moment’s peace without someone interrupting him? With a frown, he settled back further into the bed, sinking back into his book.

A moment later, the grating voice came on the comm again. “Mal!” It was Wash, sounding as light and sarcastic as ever. “As much as I love not being able to afford food, why don’t you come and answer this wave so maybe we won’t starve.”

Grumbling, Serenity’s captain put down his book and climbed out of his bunk. Wash was right, of course, as much as he didn’t want to be bothered. He trudged toward the bridge, hoping that this time they’d have luck enough to get a decent job. The last had gone down badly, and they’d had to dodge the Alliance again - not even getting paid for their trouble.

“So. We got a job?”

Wash gave him a crooked smile. “That’s for you to decide, o mighty Captain! It’s Badger.” Mal rolled his eyes and Wash shrugged; a second later the greasy man appeared on their screen.

“Captain Reynolds! Good to see you looking well.”

Mal smiled tightly, wishing once again they could find some contract to replace the ever-irritating Badger. “Wish I could say the same.”

“Well, it seems I’ve got a job lined up - but so far no takers.” He grinned; Mal fought back a grimace. “It’s not dangerous or nothin’, so it’s not gonna pay great. Really doin’ a favor more than anything. But I thought - who might be willing to help out ‘is fellow man? Malcolm Reynolds.”

“What’s the job, Badger? I aim to hear details before I go acceptin’ anything.”

“Of course. Just a simple transport job - people this time, two passengers. Don’t think they care where they end up just as long as they get away from here. It’s a couple - nice lookin’ boy and girl, prob’ly trying to run away to some far off Rim planet so they can’t be found.”

Mal did not want to take on passengers. No matter how innocuous they seemed there was always a risk. And with Simon and River still onboard, they couldn’t afford to take that risk. They’d done well getting rid of Early with no repercussions, but there was no way to insure that success could be replicated. Fugitives were too much trouble. If the doctor wasn’t so useful and River hadn’t been so crazy… But gorram it, they needed to get paid for something and it was getting to the point he didn’t care what that something was. “Well… Can’t say I’m too thrilled to be addin’ a few extra bodies, but if they seem like clean, respectable folk I think we could make ourselves a deal.”

“Very good, then. I’ll expect you on Persephone soon and we’ll get to negotiations.”

And he clicked off. After a moment of silence, Wash said, “So. Passengers! Fresh meat.” Mal didn’t respond. “And are Simon and River still on-board? Because I think introducing new people to wanted fugitives is - “

“I know the risk Wash. But do you see any other options here? Ship don’t run on smiles and neither do we.”

The pilot shrugged. “ We can always eat Jayne.”

“Hmmph.” Mal gave him half a grin. “Set course to Persephone.”

“Just a suggestion!” Wash called as the captain left the bridge. “He’s the biggest. He’s got the most meat!”

Mal just ignored him, heading to the galley to look for Zoe. He’d agreed to go see the passengers Badger had lined up and there was a high chance that if they had any money at all Serenity would take them on.

“Zoe!” he called. “We got a job.”

She was sitting at the table, having a cup of tea with Inara. She’d be getting off at Persephone - for good; she wouldn’t be a part of Serenity any longer. The Companion quirked her lips at him and said, “Finally found some appropriately immoral work to satisfy you?”

He gave her the most gorram smug look of his life. “As much as I love crime, ‘Nara, I had to settle for a simply takin’ on a few passengers.”

“Passengers?” Zoe asked, looking at him askance. “You sure that’s wise, sir?”

“No, I’d say that it’s real unwise, but I don’t see that we got much other choice. Your husband was kind enough to suggest killin’ Jayne for food, but I find mercenary a little too gamy myself.” He gave his first mate a smile then turned back to Inara. “And as our job’s on Persephone, I imagine that’s a port respectable ‘nough for you t’leave us. Wouldn’t want you to spend more time with petty thieves than you had to.”

And with a victorious glint in his eye, as though he’d won their unspoken war, he turned on his heel and stomped out.

Inara sighed into her tea. Zoe gave a derisive little snort and said, not looking at Inara, “That’s the closest to a ‘Don’t go’ as you’re gonna get. I’m not gonna pretend to understand your motivations for leavin’, though I’m sure Companions have rules about situations like this.” She took another sip of tea. “But if hurtin’ each other is what you two have to do, then it’s not my place to interfere.”

“Zoe… I - “

“No, I’ve said my peace. Don’t need no explanation.” The first mate smiled at the Companion, her eyes shining with commiseration. “Just know he ain’t gonna wait around forever.”

The women sat in silence as they finished their tea. Inara stood up, looking as composed and distant as ever. “I hope you enjoyed the tea, Zoe.” The other woman nodded serenely. “Wonderful. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start packing my things. The trip to Persephone shouldn’t take us long.”

And she was right; it didn’t take long at all; they arrived about two days later. Inara left almost immediately after they docked, saying a brief, heartfelt goodbye to everyone but the person she’d miss the most. As soon as she was gone, Mal locked the shuttle; it went without saying that it wouldn’t be rented again anytime soon. It would always be Inara’s.

The rest of the crew had done their best to stay out of the captain’s way, but he was aching to pick a fight with someone. As was usually the case, that job fell to Jayne.

The mercenary had been in the hold with the Shepherd, lifting weights, when River came prancing by wearing the hat his mother had made for him.

Jayne gaped, lifting the weight bar back into its cradle. “Jayne?” Book asked concernedly. “Don’t do anything rash. I’m sure the child - “

“Gorramit y’moonbrained little beanpole! Get back here with my hat right now ‘fore I rip you apart!”

“Have to catch me first!” River let out a happy giggle, twirling around. Jayne leapt up with a loud bellow, chasing after her. She led him around the hold, dancing just out of his reach every time he came near. Book sighed, resigned to the chase and only hoping he wouldn’t have to interfere.

Jayne was getting more and more enraged as he chased the girl around. And that only seemed to please River more. She took the hat off and held it to her chest. “Man-called-Jayne will not get it back. Looks much more cunning on the girl!”

“No it don’t! Y’ain’t gonna wear my hat; you’re gonna give it back right this gorram minute or I’ma ruttin’ tear your little arms off.”

“Jayne!” Mal’s commanding voice brought them both to a halt. The captain was walking towards them, wearing a stormy expression. “Stop threatenin’ the crazy person.” Jayne looked momentarily guilty, but switched to indignant when he remembered that it was River’s fault.

“Weren’t my fault, Mal! She stole my hat - right from my bunk!”

River looked as innocent as could be - except, of course, for the bright orange hat on top of her tiny little head. “Y’took his hat, huh?”

“Merely borrowed,” she told him calmly. “Had the man-ape asked for it back, he would have received it.”

“I did ask, you loony little gorram thief!”

“No, you demanded.” She stuck her nose in the air primly. “Not the proper way to talk to a lady.”

“Well that’s ‘cause y’ain’t no lady.” Jayne leaned down to sneer at her. “You’re just a psycho little crazy-ass - “

“Precisely why your headgear was not returned!” She stuck her tongue out and clutched the earflaps to her cheeks.

“Hey,” Mal said angrily, “remember me? Captain here.” The two became slightly more subdued, looking down at the floor. Honestly, he thought, they’re just like children. “Now li’l witch… You give Jayne his hat back, all right?”

Reluctantly, River pulled it off her head and held it out to Jayne. “Yes, Captain.”

Jayne sneered again, taking great pleasure in snatching the hat back from her. He proudly put it atop his own head. Mal had to keep himself from rolling his eyes at how ridiculous the man looked. “Y’see? My hat. An’ if I ever see you with it again, I’m gonna - “

“About that, Jayne.” Mal leveled him with a stern look. “I thought we discussed havin’ a little more tolerance for our tiny genius here. She might have a bratty moment or two, but that don’t give you cause for the rippin’ off of things. I hear it again… An’ you ain’t gonna like what I’m gonna do.”

“But Mal, she - “

“I don’t wanna hear it, Jayne. Now you can stay on the ship an’ think on how you’re gonna learn to get along with her, or you can get off the ship and stay off it.”

“Aww Mal, that ain’t fair! You know I - “

“Don’t much care if it’s fair, Jayne. It’s the way it’s gonna be.”

Jayne crossed his arms petulantly, looking every inch an overgrown five year old. “Don’t gotta take it out on my just because you done run off - “

“Silence!” River hissed, slapping his bicep. “Do not anger the captain further; treading treacherous paths - he will take the golden goose and chop down your stalk.”

“Don’t hit me! An’ he ain’t gonna be cuttin’ nothin’.”

“No, you do not comprehend! How does a body that large possess no brains? Worthless - probably has parts as feminine as his name.”

“Whoa there, crazy. I done told you I sure as hell got man parts! An’ they’re good ones, too. Say that again an’ I’ll - “

“Jayne is a girl! Needs tea parties and hair combs, dollies and doilies!”

By that time the mercenary already had his belt off, and Mal felt it time to intervene. “Jayne, for the sake o’ all that’s holy, keep your ruttin’ pants on. I ain’t gonna tolerate unwarranted nakedness in my ship’s hold.”

River giggled and stuck her tongue out again. Jayne growled. As he stalked off he muttered, “Anyone needs me, I’ma be in my bunk.”

“Of course.” River had wandered off and Mal rubbed his temple, feeling the headache that talking to the two of them would inevitably produce. He sighed and went to get Zoe.

Everyone but Jayne and the Tam siblings was welcome to leave the ship; Book was going to get fresh food, and Kaylee was planning to look for engine parts. She gave a big smile and a wave as she and the Shepherd headed off.

“Much more enjoyable task,” Mal remarked with a sigh.

“That’s the truth, sir. But we got a job, at least; best to be thankful for that.”

“I know, Zoe. But… why’s it always gotta be Badger?”

His voice had a whiny edge to it, and the first mate let herself have a little chuckle. “No use wonderin’ over that, captain. Why don’t we just get the passengers and get gone? Won’t have to deal with him long.”

She was right, of course, and with a nod she and Mal were off. Persephone was as crowded and busy as always, a dusty marketplace that seemed to attract every type. They waded through the waves of people until they got to Badger’s and with a reluctant sigh, Mal led them inside.

Several of Badger’s large, gun-laden goons were there looking rightfully intimidating, and Mal half-wished he’d brought the large, gun-laden goon of his own.

Badger walked out, dressed in his typical dirty blazer and bowler hat. “G’day Captain - good to see you. And Zoe - looking as lovely as ever.”

She raised a brow. “Charmed, Badger. Now about the job… ?”

He chuckled and held up a placating hand. “Just a second, love. All in good time. So captain… Ready to negotiate a price?”

“Not with you,” Mal responded stiffly, crossing his arms over his chest. “I thought we’d be takin’ passengers, and it’s my thought that they’d be the ones who’d be payin’ me.”

“You’re right, at that. But… I get a cut of my own. You understand, for connecting the two… interested parties.” He nodded to a heavy-set fellow to his right. “Go get the girl.”

Mal and Zoe exchanged looks. Badger’d never seemed the type to get his own hands dirty, and he certainly didn’t seem hospitable enough to let the two needing a ride have a temporary place to stay. They heard some muffled talking and a moment later the man walked back in, leading a teenaged girl by the arm. She yanked away from him and said, “So where’s our ride? As much as we’ve loved staying here, I…” She trailed off as soon as she saw the two from Serenity. Her eyes widened in horror and she took a step back. “N-no, I… I’m sorry, but we can’t. That - “

“I said I’d let you stay,” Badger snapped, his pleasant expression turning into something much more distasteful, “an’ I was good on my word. But you’ve got a ship now, an’ you and that creepy bloke are sailin’ out with them or you’re findin’ yourselves new lodgings.”

The girl looked from Badger to Mal and Zoe helplessly, desperation clear and thick in her dark eyes. “I…” With a defeated sigh, she looked over at Mal and tried to smile. “Well… I guess we’re coming with you, then.” She rolled her shoulders, mustering up a much friendlier grin. “I’m Bonny. Help me get Mike so we can get the hell outta here.”


Back on Serenity, River stiffened next to her brother, clutching tightly to his arm.

Simon put down his book and turned to her. “Mei mei? Are you all right? What is it, did something - “

“He’s coming,” she said, slowly, her eyes wide and unfocused.

His doctor-eyes did a quick scan; no hysterical fit seemed to be coming. “Who’s coming, River? Who are you talking about?”

She shook a little and smiled a thin, eerie smile. When she spoke, her voice was barely above a whisper. “The silence.”


Spoiler-tastic Notes:

Okay, so this is the whole big thing about the story, so if you don't want to know, I wouldn't read it. Okay. If it isn't obvious, Bonny is Wash and Zoe's daughter, and Mike is - yay! - Jayne and River's son. They got sent back in time! Whoo! Yeah, the title comes into play because stuff like that totally fascinates me and I love parallel universes and time travel SO MUCH. I actually got the idea from the anime Dragon Ball Z (...what? I know it's lame; and I forgive myself for that.) when Trunks comes back in time. Unfortunately, the idea is really similar to another story: Girl Anachronism by toxic_corn. I got her permission before going anywhere with this, of course, but I think the Rayne!kid going back in time is the only similarity. Mine'll be longer and it'll take a long time for them to realize the kids are from the future, and it'll focus more on awesome stuff like time travel theories and stuff. So... Yeah! I have a lot of time to plan this out, so I hope it's gonna be awesome!

Also! As far as other children go: Bonny is - for obvious BDM-related reasons - Zoe and Wash's only child, and she's the oldest. River and Jayne have Michael, and Ryan and Riley from my one-shot Daughters are their twin daughters. Simon and Kaylee have four kids (Merriweather Lynn, Brady Lee, Peter, and Bobby), and Mal and Inara have at least one - just because I had to do it. Heh. Her name is Mallory "Mal" probably-Reynolds. Also a son with a very "proper" name that Mal hates, but I don't know what it is yet (want something in the same vein as Inara, but can't decide on anything yet).

Feedback and reviews always appreciated.


genre: kid fic, character: malcolm reynolds, rating: pg, character: inara serra, fandom: firefly, character: river tam, fic: string theory, character: bonny washburne (oc), character: zoe washburne, character: michael cobb (oc), pairing: zoe/wash, misc: story convention, length: 2500-4000 words, character: hoban washburne, genre: adventure, character: jayne cobb, character: badger

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