Story: The Emperor's New Clothes
Chapter: Three: New Seams (3/?)
Character(s)/Pairing: Rayne
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2746
Disclaimer: Not mine.
-Author's Notes: This, though a stand-alone fic, follows
The Reluctant Suitor and
An Undisclosed Courtship. Yay for new chapter! This was beta-read by
helgatwb and
gilove2dance (and I'm waiting to hear back from
bdh_girl) - so I must bow down in utter gratitude because I am severely appreciative. This is the last of the sort of "nothing" chapters - it's short, and I almost think I could have combined it with chapter 2. Ahh well. Chapter four should be written fairly soon. And it's gonna be good!
The Emperor's New Clothes
Three: New Seams
Simon, after deciding on a plan of action, did not have to wait long to implement it. Another job, another injury to patch up. To no one’s surprise it had been Mal who’d gotten hurt, though it was a bit of a different story than what Simon was used to.
“You tripped. And cut yourself on a bit of an old ship hull?”
Mal scowled as he rolled up his sleeve for the tetanus shot Simon was about to administer. “It weren’t my fault, doc.”
“Oh no, of course not. I’m sure it jumped out and caught your leg intentionally.”
“Don’t recall sarcasm bein’ part of the treatment plan,” the captain remarked grumpily.
Simon shrugged. “Consider it a preventative measure.”
He gave Mal the shot, then threw the used injector into the biohazard disposal. “At least it wasn’t your sister hurt.” The captain stood, rubbing his arm. “Then you’d really be in a snit.”
“I’m not in a snit.” He sighed. “Where is River, actually? I haven’t seen her since you returned.”
“In the hold, I think. Helpin’ Jayne load cargo.”
“With Jayne.” His mouth quirked ruefully. “Of course.”
Mal looked out the infirmary doorway offhandedly. “They do spend a good bit o’ time together.”
“Too much time together,” Simon groused, opening a cabinet with a bit more force than necessary to get out some disinfectant cream for Mal’s calf.
“Thought you were over this already, doc.”
“You see, that’s the problem right there, captain. There’s something there to get over.”
Mal made a face. “What’re you sayin’? You think she’s sweet on ‘im or something’?”
Simon sighed and handed him the tube. “Here. Apply this for a day or so and you’ll be fine. And…” He crossed his arms and tapped thoughtfully on his bicep. “Jayne is the only available man River sees with any sort of frequency. Apart from… from Badger, of course, but even Jayne’s a better alternative than that, no matter how marginally.”
“Hmm.” Mal turned to survey him thoughtfully.
“River is nineteen. I’m sure she… Well since she’s become more stable it’s possible that… she’s had thoughts, or seen Kaylee and I… And - “
“You think it’s ‘bout time she found ‘er own little boyfriend?”
Simon winced. “I… I think so. If she’s looking at Jayne with any sort of interest, then surely that’s only because she desires male company. Surely.”
“No offense, doc, but you ain’t ever been the best at seein’ what’s right in front o’ you. You sure what you think you see between her an’ Jayne ain’t just your imagination?”
He clenched his jaw, wanting so badly to set the captain straight. But saying it out loud would only make it that much more real, and Simon had about all of the situation’s reality he could take. “It’s possible. I’ll be the first to admit that I do have my guard up in most areas regarding River. But… This has really made me think. I… I don’t want to hold her back. If she wants to grow up, then I should let her.”
“Well that’s mighty big o’ you, Simon, but you really think you been stoppin’ her?”
He didn’t respond.
Mal sighed. “Okay, so fine - you been holdin’ our little witch back. How exactly do you plan to fix it? Jus’ throw her out and say ‘Here ya go, boys’?”
Simon scowled. “No, of course not; don’t be ridiculous.” He sighed. “I… I talked to Inara and she suggested that I… Well, she said that she’d noticed River and Jayne and… and was worried, as well. She believes River desires attention from a boy and… and is using Jayne because he’s… fairly easy to manipulate.”
“It is Jayne we’re talkin’ about.”
“Yes, that’s… That is the problem…” Simon sighed again. “And I think that Inara is correct; she’s trained in… in these sorts of matters.” He of course didn’t tell Mal that Inara had slightly underestimated River and Jayne’s relationship - he’d decided to keep their secret until the big reveal couldn’t be avoided any further. “I’ve talked to Kaylee, as well. And she thinks that… that maybe if River went out with the other women she’d… Well, she’d be able to find a way to…” He exhaled pitifully. “To explore that desire she has for attention.” And as much as he hated the idea of someone touching his baby sister, the idea that it was Jayne doing the touching caused him much more grief.
Mal raised a brow in surprise. “Sounds t’me like you got it all figured out.” He thought for a quick moment and then nodded once. “Well… the li’l albatross is growin’ up, so I guess - if it’s what she wants - maybe we c’n let the girls take ‘er out.”
“Yes. If it’s what she wants.” Simon smiled a little and shook his head. “You know, you may not show it as much, but I think you’re just as protective of my mei mei as I am.”
Mal looked up haughtily and sniffed. “When a girl takes you on as her captain daddy… well, that brings some responsibilities. An’ I aim to be responsible.”
So the plan was set in motion. And as guilty as Simon felt for - even partially - lying to everyone, he could push that out of his mind every time he saw his sister near the gruff mercenary.
It was a few days later, when they were close to a station with a large shopping and entertainment complex, that he finally confronted his sister.
River blinked at her brother after he’d spoken. “What?”
Simon gave her a weak smile. “I… Well, I think I’ve kept you too close, mei mei. You’ve gotten a great deal better; you’re capable and able to function on your own, with only minimal intervention from any medication. I’m… I’m proud of you, River.” He cleared his throat. “So I will… try to let you live your own life.”
“Yup,” Kaylee said merrily. “An’ we’re gonna take ya out. A real girl’s night out an’ everything. Ain’t you excited?”
“I suppose I will enjoy the revelry,” River said slowly. Simon felt a split-second pang of guilt.
“And if you’d like, River, perhaps we could help you find a nice young man to spend the evening with.” Inara gave the girl a motherly smile. “Your brother and I have spoken about it, and if you’d like to have a male Companion to - “
“No,” River told her quickly. “Not necessary.”
Simon sent up a quick prayer to whom or whatever had helped with that decision. River glared. “Heard that,” she said crossly. He smiled apologetically.
“Well if you don’t want a Companion,” Zoe said, “maybe you can find some nice boy at the bar.”
“Why is everyone convinced I need male company?”
“You’re a mature young woman, River,” Inara told her serenely. “Now is the time in your life when many girls begin to be interested in men. Wouldn’t you like to have an admirer, perhaps go on a date or two? I’ve noticed that you seem to be more physically aware of yourself as a woman.” She cleared her throat as delicately as only a Companion could. “And I’ve seen you noticing certain men, as well.”
For barely a second Simon saw River’s eyes light up with fear. No one else seemed to notice, or realize what she was afraid of if they did. “You have?”
“Yes. And I think it’s time you were allowed to explore this new awareness. We won’t interfere with any interactions you might wish to engage in, but we’ll all be there if you get uncomfortable or would like any advice.”
River nodded slowly, but before she could respond Jayne came ambling in. Simon cursed the big man’s timing. “What’s goin’ on?” the merc asked, obviously surprised to have stumbled into some sort of meeting he hadn’t been aware of. “Y’all havin’ a party?”
“No,” River answered, “I am merely being given permission to explore my new physical awareness.” Jayne raised an eyebrow in what Simon assumed to be confusion. “They have no new awareness.” He looked confused for a moment before realization dawned and he nodded quickly. Simon wondered - and not for the first time - how they had all missed how layered River’s sometimes odd statements really were.
“So physical, huh? That mean you’re goin’ t’be sexin’?” He snorted. “Good luck with that, moonbrain. You’re ‘bout as likely to find someone willin’ to deal with your crazy ass as I am to find a woman and stick to ‘er regular.”
Kaylee shot Jayne a hurt look on River’s behalf. Simon sighed internally. “You underestimate me, Jayne Cobb,” River said haughtily.
“Oh I do, huh?”
“Yes. I will find a strong, exceptionally handsome man who will find my ass as appealing as you find it crazy.”
“I doubt that.”
“River’s a real pretty girl, Jayne!” Kaylee told him emphatically. “Jus’ ‘cause she might ‘a been crazy before don’t mean she can’t get a fella’s attention. I bet there’s loads of real swai boys all ‘cross the ‘verse who’d love to get even a look at ‘er!”
“Well I done got plenty o’ looks at her - and she’s still jus’ crazy.”
River sniffed daintily. “You are still a large, uneducated ape.”
Jayne leaned towards her, leering. “Some girls want large, une’jucated apes.”
River leaned closer as well, a look of challenge on her face. “Some boys like girls who are crazy.”
Having had far more than enough of their little game, Simon cleared this throat. “Don’t worry, mei mei,” he said soothingly, “I’m sure you’ll find a man who can not only look past your mental handicap, but who will respect you - your body and your brilliance.” He shot a nearly involuntary protective glare in Jayne’s direction. “There are plenty of men to choose from.” ‘Plenty of men,’ he thought, ‘who are not Jayne.’
“Yes.” Inara gave Jayne a stern look. “And you should be encouraging her, Jayne, not insulting her.”
“Oh ‘scuse me if’n I don’t show no ‘thusiasm at helpin’ little miss feng le over here find some piece o’ go se guy to sex ‘er up.” He frowned deeply and crossed his arms over his broad chest.
“Just a date,” River informed him quickly. “They only want to find an appropriate suitor, not a bedmate.” She grinned. “Simon would explode if he discovered his poor mei mei was being manhandled by a rough, uncivilized male creature.”
Simon did his very, very best to remain completely impassive at the look that passed between them.
“Ooh, I’m so excited. We’ll have so much fun!” Kaylee gushed, grabbing River’s arm. “Come on, let’s see what you got to wear. An’ I bet ‘Nara’ll let you borrow some o’ her nice make up and maybe some sweet-smellin’ perfume, too.”
The two girls walked out, an air of excitement around them. Mal smiled indulgently and shook his head. “Always touches th’heart to see your li’l albatross growin’ up so quick.” He patted his chest and then wiped at his eyes. Inara rolled her eyes at him affectionately, then excused herself, as well. “An’ since they’re gon’ go off bein’ girly, I propose we have ourselves an evenin’ of more manly pursuits.”
Jayne perked up noticeably. “That mean drinkin’?”
“Hell, even whores if you’re a mind to ‘em.” Simon’s eyes shot over to Jayne, but he didn’t see the usual lascivious grin. That tempered his concern some.
He cleared this throat and said, “Well… Actually, I’d planned to go with… with the women. To keep an eye on River.”
Zoe crossed her arms. “Oh? So you wanna give her freedom, but only under your supervision?”
Simon fidgeted. “I… I won’t interfere with her night. I only want to make sure that nothing bad happens to her. If someone behaves inappropriately towards her or the crowd is too large or - “
“Don’t worry none ‘bout that, doc,” Jayne told him. “Long as she’s got Kaylee an’ ‘Nara with ‘er she’ll be fine. She can concentrate on them an’ ‘less somethin’ real bad’s goin’ down, she’ll be fine.” At the looks Mal and Zoe shot him, he coughed and amended, “Or at least I think. She just said somethin’ like that once. I weren’t payin’ too close attention.”
Simon fought the urge to smack his hand against his forehead.
Everyone was excited about the outing, though no one had hung quite the hopes on it that Simon had. He was nervous - and even more so when he finally saw his sister.
“Simon… You are staring.”
“I’m sorry, River,” he said with an apologetic smile. “I… I’m just surprised to see you looking so…” He swallowed his words nervously. “Nice.”
River twirled around in her dress, the same one she’d worn to his wedding. “Today is a day for beauty.”
Kaylee giggled. “An’ I’m sure some boy’ll think so, too.”
Once everyone was assembled and ready, they all, minus Zoe, of course, trooped off Serenity. Mal and Jayne headed off towards a bar - or separate ones, more likely - while everyone else went into an establishment known more for its dance floor than its drinks. Simon tugged at his ear uncomfortably while Kaylee ‘ooh’ed and ‘ahh’ed at the colored lights. They found a table in the back; Kaylee and River went out to dance while Simon stayed there with Inara. They chatted idly, Simon paying only half-attention as he tried to keep his eyes on River.
“She’ll be fine,” Inara assured him. She put a hand on top of his kindly. “Don’t worry.”
“I don’t mean to,” he said. “It’s… just become second nature now.”
“She is growing up, Simon. This will be good for her, I promise.” Inara pulled her hand away and smiled. “You’re a good brother - and you mustn’t forget River’s a very smart girl. I’m sure she won’t make any poor choices.”
A waiter appeared just then, bearing the drinks they’d ordered when they’d come in. Simon drained his water quickly. He was relieved when, not long after, Kaylee and River came back for a break.
“You oughta get up and dance with me, bao bei,” Kaylee said playfully, touching his arm. “Bet it would be lots o’ fun.” She gave him a seductive smile, nudging the side of his leg with her knee. He swallowed, his mouth suddenly dry.
“I… I’m not sure, Kaylee. Maybe - “
“You will never convince him,” River told her sister-in-law with a smile. “Simon-flower is scared to show his colors to all the other birds.”
Kaylee giggled. “So he’s a bird an’ a flower, huh?” She leaned into her husband’s side. “Ain’t he just all kindsa shiny?”
Simon, slightly embarrassed, said, “Um, I… Aren’t we supposed to be helping River? Have you found anyone you might like to talk to, mei mei?”
“Nope, she sure hasn’t,” Kaylee said with a sigh. “I been tryin’ to find someone she might like, but she ain’t bit yet.” She peered around, trying to locate any worthy specimens. “What about… him?” she asked, pointing to a tall young man leaning against the bar. “Oh, he’s real pretty, don’tcha think?”
River shrugged. “Has some physical appeal.” She took a dainty sip of the drink in front of her. Simon was simultaneously pleased she hadn’t found anyone and disappointed that it meant she must be happy with Jayne.
Kaylee huffed. “You ain’t been interested in a single one o’ the boys I been showin’ you. Thought you were int’rested in datin’ an’ the like.”
“They have been to your tastes. Not mine.”
“Oh.” She looked around again with half a frown, peering through the crowd to see which, if any, of the men there might be able to catch the young pilot’s eye. “Well… Who would you like t’get to know?”
“If choice is mandatory…” River sighed and looked across the dim bar. “Then I will select him. The man ordering a drink.”
Everyone peered over, trying to get a good look at him. The man had short, dark hair and a few days’ worth of beard on his cheeks. He was about Mal’s height, but broader, with more muscle. “That guy?” Kaylee asked incredulously, pointing towards him.
River nodded. “Correct. I find him most appealing. You like men pretty, Kaylee. I prefer them larger.” She giggled. “Big, mean, smelly men.”
“Well if you want that,” Kaylee retorted, rolling her eyes, “you coulda just had Jayne.”
Simon wanted to beat his head against the table.
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