Big Bang 2014: The Sky is No Man's Land

Jul 23, 2014 08:10

[Click for full size.]

by acerbus_instar
Art by vandlp1088

The difference between us is simple: your god is my devil.
-Theodore Parker

Summary: AU, set 2006 (season 2). The Winchester brothers are no-name hunters caught up in a losing war against the Horde. That is, until Dean fishes a half-dead tax accountant out of a pile of charred demons in Nowhere, Nebraska. A tax accountant that claims he’s an angel, and offers them the knowledge they need to kill demons - if they’ll help him hunt a traitor in the angels’ ranks. This is the tale of two hunters and a wayward angel smack in the middle of the eons-old battle between the angels of Heaven and those who chose to Fall.

Acknowledgments: First off, go shower vandlp1088's art post with love 'cause c'mon, LOOK AT THAT DETAIL. I hit the artist jackpot this year. Absolutely gorgeous artwork, beautiful dividers, and vandlp1088 was a pleasure to work with, to boot. Congrats on your first spn_j2_bigbang, vandlp! Secondly, I owe this whole shebang to elaeazeph, who had the misfortune of being the sounding board and plot-tester for this story's rickety beginnings. Thanks for letting me borrow Nan, Sandals and Sytry; I'll return them in (mostly) good shape.

I | II | III | IV | V | VI | VII
Master Art Post | Master Fic Post | Ao3 Cross-Post

big bang 2014, fic, spn

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