Title: Pretty Little Enemy Author: acerbus_instar Warnings: Minor violence Summary: You stand so tall, soldier of God. But you forget: we below, we were your sisters once, your brothers. And we know how to take what we are owed.
Title: The Trouble with Time Travel Is... Artist: acerbus_instar Genre/Pairing: Gen Rating: PG-13 Warnings: None. Summary: Cas has big brother problems. (And some human problems.)
Title: A Bird, A Bird Artist: acerbus_instar Genre/Pairing: Gen Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Ruffled feathers, hint o' violence. Spoilers for S6 Finale if you read the artist's notes. If you don't, you'll be fine... ...if slightly confused. Summary: Castiel vs. the madness.
Title: A Bulwark Never Failing Rating: R Warnings: Violence. Blasphemy. Summary: For angst_bingo. Prompt: Assault. In which the angels turn up a little late, and Jimmy has a very bad night.
My measly attempt at art for Shadowkeeper's entry at the very first DeanCasBigBang. She was an absolute pleasure to work with!
There's one instance of spoileryness, so read the fic first - but these images are all gen, no need to hide the children. All a product of Photoshop CS2 and a Wacom tablet.