Art: Makeshift

May 16, 2012 22:20

Title: Makeshift
Author: acerbus_instar
Rating: PG
Genre and/or Pairing: Dean, Castiel
Spoilers: None
Warnings: Mild kid peril

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Random scene from a collaborative project, involving time-travelin' Cas and contrary, distrustful 10-year-old Dean (who happens to break his hand along the way) hiding out in a cabin. Context-ish:


Dean stares at him from behind tired eyes. “Did you splint my hand?”

Castiel hesitates, unhappy to be reminded of it. “Yes.”

With similar hesitation, Dean pokes his broken hand out from beneath the blanket. “It’s poking me.”

“Where?” Most of the bracing is on the inside of the hand. He had only placed a few twigs on the opposite side to provide countertension, but he can see that that side of the hand has swelled, and one of the twigs is digging in where hand meets wrist. “Can I see?” Something he hadn’t asked before setting the hand to begin with, he thinks. He hadn’t wanted to give Dean a reason to resist, or apprehend.

Dean shoves the hand out a bit further, so he has more room to work.

It’s a show of trust, however small. Castiel accepts with a quietly surprised, “Thank you.”

art, spn, fic!art

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