Title: V is for Voracious
Author: ACarlGeek
e-mail: ACarlGeek@yahoo.com
Rating: All ages
Genre: Gen,
Jonas Alphabet Soup (LJ),
Jonas Alphabet Soup (DW),
Gen Fic Day April 2010 Category: Vignette, (221 words)
Spoilers: None
Season: Between Seasons 5 and 6.
Summary: Jonas always wants to see and learn more.
Warnings: None.
Status: This is unbetaed, and all errors are mine.
Disclaimer: The characters mentioned in this story are the property of MGM, Showtime, Sci-Fi/SyFy Channel, and Gekko Film Corp. This fanfic is not intended as an infringement upon those rights and is solely meant for entertainment; no money is being made. The story idea and the story itself are the sole ideas of the author.
V is for Voracious
The feeling of reverent anticipation that Jonas always experienced when entering Dr. Jackson's former office filled him with its usual spark of excited yearning as he arrived for another evening of reading. Jonas had been living at the SGC for nearly a month now, but the treasure-trove of knowledge contained in this office still tended to overwhelm him, like a banquet set before a starving man. So much information, most of it complete with a proper context, right there at his fingertips, and all of it available any time he wanted or needed it! Like that wondrous channel devoted solely to environmental conditions on this planet, this office not only provided detailed information for specific locations, but gave the overall pattern of which the local details were a part.
Jonas hungrily surveyed the shelves filled with books and artifacts, the new television, and the computer that was the link to even more answers about the peoples of not only this planet Earth, but scores of additional cultures on planets scattered throughout the galaxy. What should he explore next? Even with all this information to be digested, Jonas suspected he'd never sate his appetite for learning about new places and the peoples that lived in them. With a smile, he selected a book and began the next course of his knowledge banquet.