SG-1 Gen Fic Day round-up

Apr 08, 2010 15:59

Thanks to everyone who helped make Gen Fic Day such a success! I haven't had the chance to read a single fic yet - it's been a challenge just getting everything coded.

Jonas Alphabet Soup has over 26 servings, thanks to multiple last-minute submissions (and I thank those authors most heartily), but we're still three letters short. Let's hope we can get the full anthology soon! (Edit: Soup is posted.) But in the meantime, here's the round-up for the rest of Gen Fic Day:

New fic

samantilles wrote Coming Home, a Daniel-centric post-Fire and Water tag.

night_spear1287 wrote Models of the Heart, a Sam fic that spans years.

lilyleia78 wrote Understanding: Five times Daniel and Teal'c understood one another, and one time they didn't. (She wrote this for meeeeeee! :D Can't wait to read it.)

Older fic

I asked for links to older fic in general and Jonas-centric ones in particular. The following links are all Jonas-centric, spanning various seasons:

Daimons by sg_betty features Daniel and Jonas.

Haunted (The Irreplaceable Remix) by izhilzha is a drabble remix featuring Jonas and Jack.

grav_ity linked to three of her fics:

Let Them Eat Cake, which features Jonas trying to fit in and getting advice from Teal'c.

Cabbages and Kings Part III , In which Carter and Teal'c are complete absent, Daniel is unfortunately "dead", Jack learns a thing or two about Kelowanan courtship, and a chance remarks comes back to bite Jonas in the ass. Focuses on Jack and Jonas watching movies.

Awkward Silence follows the episode "Fallout" and features a conversation between Jonas and the newly de-Goaulded Kianna.

Sacrifices by samantilles: Daniel finally tells the representatives from Langara what he did for them.

And I linked to two stories of my own:

Five Fix-Its That Weren't. The last of five drabbles with a common theme.

Well Met at Midnight. Jonas dreams of Daniel Jackson, or maybe he doesn't. A little bit of angst set just before Redemption.


resurgumlaura contributed recs to three entertaining Jonas fics:

Come ride a train, a choo-choo train by beanpot. Jonas on the run, and Vala in Hello Kitty barrettes.

Untitled Jonas and Daniel piece by 6beforelunch. A quiet discussion during Fallout.

Aggravated Destruction of Property by kalquessa, in which Vala rescues Jonas almost by accident.

Thanks again to all the participants! If I get the last three contributions within the next six hours or so, Jonas Alphabet Soup can still get posted tonight. Otherwise, I hope we'll all enjoy it this Sunday.

gen fic day

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