May Round-Up

Jun 01, 2007 07:10

Wow, May passed really fast and fannish-wise seemed mostly dominated by the sd_ficathon (I hear some of the S/J crazies are freaking out about the sudden influx of S/D fic?). That and fandom freaking out about stuff rather than writing.

Stories I recced:

For May I got to rec both Jack O'Neill and Original Character over at stargateficrec.

Jack O'Neill

To Touch the Edge of Peace by Ayiana (wonderful Sam/Jack friendship snippet with mention of Charlie. What more could you want?)

All We Need of Hell by Jennghis Kahn (chillingly good dark!fic and one of those rare ship fics where I 100% believe the ship could happen)

Truth Telling by Random (Jack and Daniel stuck in a hole. Talking around everything important)

Five Things Jack O'Neill Never Told Cameron Mitchell by Salieri (one of the best "five things" I've come across. The last line still takes my breath away)

Original Character

Your Cowboy Days Are Over (Mammas, Don't Let Your Babies Grow Up To Be Cowboys) by M (the SGA story I read when I barely knew what a stargate was and got me to start watching - a rare story that contains NC-17 sex and yet belongs classified as gen)

The Dirt of Sowing and Reaping by Salieri (wonderful SG-1 apocafic with side order of Sam/Jack/Daniel)

In His Kiss (The Vis Uban Is For Lovers Remix) by eve11 (beautiful, rich take on the people Daniel met in "Fallen")

The Man in Black and the Baker's Daughter by Sholio (great take on what happened to Ford and the fallout from Lucius)

Look to the Heavens and Number the Stars & The Silent Language of the Star by Minervacat (SGC's librarian is my favorite original character ever)

It looks like next month I only get "gen." I volunteered for "Sam and Daniel friendship" but I guess they only do one "friendship: other" category a month and someone else is doing Elizabeth and Teyla. Gotta love that the month after the sd_ficathon isn't having reccers for S/D friendship or ship.

Stories I wrote:

After all the writing I did in April, May was a very dry writing month.
My only full-length story was for the sd_ficathon: Discere Et Docere but I also wrote some "five things" here and a drabble here.

I do, however, have about 4 active WsiP so hopefully more will come later.

Other fic I loved this month (so not a comprehensive list):

Beach Towels and Revelations by 6beforelunch - it's possible I encouraged her to write this and did the beta, but it is awesome. Short little scene of the S10 era team going to the beach and Sam suddenly realizing Daniel is hot. Wonderfully sweet and funny with everyone completely in character.

you sleep in a palace by Paian - from the "first lines" meme that came through - gorgeous piece on Daniel.

Just Call it Coffee by dknightshade - she wrote Sam and Daniel friendship! Lovely, sweet, late season 5 Sam and Daniel friendship! *squishes fic*

Five Ways Mitchell found out about O'Neill and Jackson by Paian - I usually don't click on this type of story because, well, reading someone else learning about a relationship I don't believe is happening doesn't appeal to me. But this was a wonderful, amazing fic with fantastic character insights and some thoughts on Mitchell that have seeped into my own personal canon. I'd like to suspect that even the most die-hard gen fan would still love parts 1, 2, 4 and 5 in this fic.

I've only gotten to read a few sd_ficathon stories so far, but sg_fignewton's ficzilla, also known as In Search of Possibilities was about as good as fanfic can get. A complex puzzle leading to a tense problem, some great character and team moments, and overall a wonderful, well-told story. Everyone should go read this one!

Huh. Either I didn't read much this month, I was bad at remembering what I did read, or other people were as dried up about writing as I was. Here's to June!

ETA: Now with more comment!fic!!!1 *squees*

recs, monthly roundup, fic: all, fic (fandom): stargate sg1, fic (type): commentfic

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