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the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 11 2009, 22:03:41 UTC
“No ( ... )


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 caer May 12 2009, 01:02:10 UTC
Um....Awesome much? XD


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:19:54 UTC
lol, thank you! I'm glad you thought so!


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 abvj May 12 2009, 01:26:13 UTC
Let me just say that I nearly squealed when I opened up this notification, because it's you, and it's them, and it's always perfection when those two things are involved.

I adore that he's nearly affronted at the accusation (because, I'm sorry, I believe he so has AT LEAST once) and the way he pauses on Addison's name. You always manage to get them so write, and I nearly sighed in contentment after reading this because it is THAT good.


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:31:07 UTC
See, you've started a dangerous thing with this ficathon, because all I can do is write, write, write, and I so have other things I'm supposed to be doing. But this is more fun.

He has. He lied. I think they both know that. But according to previous fics of mine, so has she, and, well, I mix my fanon with canon a little too much, and so I've arranged it in my head that it doesn't matter so much.

I'm glad you liked it hun! Thanks!


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 abvj May 12 2009, 01:36:51 UTC
(I meant "right" not "write" -- I'm terrible at editing comments.)

I should be doing charts and unpacking, but whatever. I know what you mean. What else is there to do when Mark and Lexie could be written?

Oh, and I mix up fanon with canon all the time! Like, do you remember that fic you wrote post the Derek and Mark fic when they sort of kind of make up? Well, when I was watching 5x20 all I could think was, 'I thought they sorted this out already,' but then I realized that was fic, not the actual show, and I'm not sure what that means, but whatever....


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 01:41:02 UTC
Exactly. Even if I have a backlog of fic and people who actually are paying for me to write them fic, lol.

LOL. Jeez, I take that as a serious compliment. I do that a little too often though; i'll look at a scene and think that we've been here and done this.


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 cynthia_arrow May 12 2009, 02:04:34 UTC


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 02:05:44 UTC
I'm taking that as a good reaction, and saying thank you :)


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 littleone87 May 12 2009, 02:22:45 UTC
This was fantastic. More than I expected! LOL. I think it's hilarious and so Mark to want to create a sex video! Hahaha! Plus, that Lexie thought all of his tapes were sex videos. (I can definitely see her thinking that!) :P

Thank you for this. =)


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 slybrunette May 12 2009, 02:25:40 UTC
I'm sorry, I saw youtube and my mind went to dirty places, lol.

I'm glad you liked this! Thanks for reading and reviewing!


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 littleone87 May 12 2009, 04:56:21 UTC
Dirty is good! Lol ;)

Thank you for writing! =)


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 citron_presse May 12 2009, 16:48:52 UTC
I loved this. I loved all of it - unqualified - from start to finish. But I just have to quote this: this might just be the first time someone’s ever accused him of being dirty or perverted in one way or another and been wrong about it. because it's such a brilliant line.



Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 foibles_fables May 12 2009, 19:29:38 UTC
Hahaha, totally awesome. All of it. LOVED the last line in context.

“I’m vain, Lexie, but I’m not that vain. They’re surgeries.” <-- Gave me quite a laugh!


Re: the sex tape incident - mark/lexie - pg-13 shiparker May 13 2009, 02:43:53 UTC
The last setence? Freaking gold. I liked the use of youtube on this one (Interesting request BTW). You can nail every character of this show and I am glad you're on the bright and shiny side of the force hehe. There is some easiness on their interaction that comes across really well in your fanfiction (Making it very in character). I also love your dialogs and how there is nothing forced and too sugary sweet. You're brilliant :)


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