[ DEATH ] ; action

Aug 27, 2009 16:56

[ It was several days prior that Itachi had left the sanctuary that was the cathedral -- leaving both Iggy and Eike to serve one another’s company -- as the Uchiha himself scouted throughout the environment that bore a mirror-like resemblance to the land he was in before the fist and sharp object had made its way into his chest.

The creatures that ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

action ; ohmygod i'm sorry i'll write a more descriptive/less vague tag next time. /dies from work viliorate August 29 2009, 03:14:32 UTC
[ Visitors to Niflheim are rare. Maybe because, in reality, the foreigners are all quite a bit more careful in Nuadoria than they act, or maybe the Magisters care quite a bit more protective than they let on; but, whatever the reason, the facts still remain the same. A visitor like this, though, is even rarer and while she'd have liked him to keep his pyromania to himself, it's also one of the reasons she's decided to even bother taking a little bit of interest in him and observe.

At least, it was originally supposed to just be an observance. Mere simple curiosity on how someone displaying such powers bowed to "death". And, truthfully, that's all it was-until he decided to take to the roofs (it's not her fault he also happens to pick the one she's currently perched on ( ... )


action ; no bb it's perfectly cool cannibar August 30 2009, 15:35:04 UTC
[ Itachi could have felt her presence before she even came out of the shadows. And that was probably why there was no waver of his figure, no flinching of his permanent and constant apathetic visage that showed no crease of uneasiness as the other had emerged to show herself. Red hues gazed briefly over her frame with a slight coldness, distant, almost pretending to be ignorant of her own being.

But, the Uchiha knew she was one that had relations to the Magisters, at least -- despite any form of confirmation.

There was a slight quirk of an eyebrow, lips thin lines that showed no emotion; empty as it may be. With every movement she had preformed, his eyes had followed. His limbs had tensed at her words however, and he only gave her a cant of his head at the mention of Sasuke. Eyes had narrowed with the bareness of hostility. But nonetheless, a soft idle irrelevant sound emerged from the bottom of his throat and he rolled his head. ]

He is capable on his own, and I’m sure he can occupy himself in my absence.

[ There was something ( ... )


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