Pics or it didn't happen

May 04, 2012 00:11

About a week or so ago I posted about my book collection. oh_muffy wanted pics. So. Here are the pics.

Ayla ♥ her books )


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Comments 5

jandjsalmon May 4 2012, 04:16:50 UTC
Oh my goodness! I'm very sorry about your job, Ayla. That's a shame. :(


abitofayla May 4 2012, 04:32:39 UTC
There are greener pastures, despite how I may feel now. I know God will provide something better.


heyurs May 6 2012, 02:20:57 UTC

Little House! YAY! xD

You're a smart, wonderful chicken! *g* *hugs you close*

It's their loss, hon. At least you know why and can get things together. ♥


cliodnahpfan July 14 2012, 02:23:51 UTC
That is just insanity. Dear God. I do not have the room for that kind of a collection... and mine is soooo piddly compared to yours! Though I have about 2000 books on my Kindle so far... does that count?!

And the job thing: WHAT??? Why???


abitofayla July 14 2012, 02:32:40 UTC
Long, long story. But in the end, my boss ended up getting the can too :D


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