Pics or it didn't happen

May 04, 2012 00:11

About a week or so ago I posted about my book collection. oh_muffy wanted pics. So. Here are the pics.

These are the books in a little alcove in the stairwell. I believe these are primarily Christian fiction.

These are generally biographies (first book case is Christian bios) for the first four shelving and then classics under. And the other bookcase has non Christian bios and cult stuff and books dealing with prejudicial things, race stuff, etc.

From the left is Bibles, Bible references, Christian history, World history. Middle case is marriage, family, and men/women issues. The nearest case is apologetics, creation/evolution, Bible commentaries, general Christian living books and devotionals.

This is our novelty/humor section. Towards the bottom is Christmas and western (as in cowboys, y'all). Also included are set authors: Max Lucado, Brennan Manning, Chuck Swindoll, and general encouragement.

This is general Bible study/small group items, educational DVDs, audiobooks, and some VHS tapes that haven't been DVD'd yet.

This is my favorite book case. It has all the favorite authors from the top shelf: Kathy Herman, Beverly Lewis, and Laura Ingalls Wilder (Little House, Urs!). Second shelf: Jean Auel and ALL John Grisham's novels (I am so very pleased! ALL in hard back sans one. The Innocent Man). Third shelf is Ted Dekker, Tim LaHaye and Jerry Jenkins (plainly: The Left Behind series and maybe one or two solo stuff), and Frank Peretti. Fourth shelf (nicknamed the "heathen shelf"): J.K. Rowling, Dan Brown, Steve Berry, (7) To Kill A Mockingbird (different covers, year printed, etc. It's my favorite book, hush), and Winnie the Pooh books, not necessarily all by A.A. Milne or in English. Fifth shelf: Bodie and Brock Thoene, and their sons, Jake and Luke. Last shelf: Dee Henderson, Bill Myers, and my Titanic stuff (which isn't visible).

General oversized stuff that won't fit elsewhere. And some medical.

This is music and reference books, song writing books, music industry, and music bios.

Kids books, for future generations :D Also, though you can't see it, are giveaway books. One of my co-workers mentioned a program in which you can send books to soldiers overseas, although I never got the address. oh_muffy, does Ryan have any soldiers that hardly get mail or know of anyone who wants books over there?

I didn't bother posting the pictures of the DVD or music collection. It's just insane.

Fun stuff. :) In other news, I got fired.


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