Doctor Who...

Nov 19, 2013 23:13

After a rapid Doctor Who marathon (I'm nearing the end of season 6) I am now in search of some good Ten/Rose fic. Anyone recommend me something??

EDIT: If any of you have Who fic, let me know!!

fic rec, doctor who, ten/rose, via ljapp

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Comments 4

yumimum November 20 2013, 09:38:07 UTC
Oh man, there's a hole with no end.

I'd say anything by Aibhinn, here's a lovely series

Sinecure for hot sexing

Amber is amazing and covers Nine and Ten so well

And if you want a long perfectly written slice of amazingness then this is the first series I fell in love with and rec to anyone

Enjoy. And welcome to the madness XD


abelina November 23 2013, 18:01:17 UTC
Thanks for the recs!


lutamira November 21 2013, 13:09:10 UTC
I haven't actually read her Rose/Ten stuff, but I love, love, love rosa_acicularis' stories in other fandoms, and Ten/Rose is her main ship... On A03 or on LJ. Happy reading!!


abelina November 23 2013, 18:01:42 UTC
Thanks! I'll be sure to check those out.


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