I've got that odd sort of in-between feeling where you don't quite know whether life is totally effing brilliant or downright suck-ish. On one hand, I had very little homework tonight and no choir, and we had cherry pie at tea, but on the other hand my back is still killing me, I feel sort of sick and slightly overwhelmed by internet!life atm. I'
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Comments 4
The way I'm dealing with big bang is I broke it down. I figured out if I write at least 150 words, which is completely manageable, every day, I will finish in time. As soon as I get a chance each day, I write down those 150 words and I can relax about that and worry about my other commitments. The good thing about have such a low target each day? I get a nice little proud feeling when I go over that, even if I only write 200 words.
I did the exact same method during NaNo, breaking it down and aiming for a small amount each day, and managed to complete the 50k goal in 15 days, even with school.
Wow. 50k in 15 days? That's really impressive. I did 30k in 30 days, which I found hard enough as November's a really busy month for me -- did you actually sleep at all during those 15 days? :-P
I'm doing that I have a week for each chapter, which will be 2,000 words, as well as a week for planning them. :-) I'll do the spn_j2_bigbang first, then the novel_bigbang as the deadline is later on the ofbb. :-D
And it's a real shame when funtime turns into worktime. :-/ I wouldn't say that I have masses, but I like to at least read all my flist's posts, even if I don't comment, and I feel like I'm letting them down by not doing so. :-/ I also feel like, as I'm drifting more into SPN fandom, I'm kinda deserting my TW buddies. :-( (And on a random note, I totally just pouted when I typed that sad face. I'm weird like that. xD)
And the pie was good. Dean would be jealous. ;D
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