I've got that odd sort of in-between feeling where you don't quite know whether life is totally effing brilliant or downright suck-ish. On one hand, I had very little homework tonight and no choir, and we had cherry pie at tea, but on the other hand my back is still killing me, I feel sort of sick and slightly overwhelmed by internet!life atm. I'm reading lots of Dean/Cas fic and working on one of my own for
spn_j2_bigbang and realising -- in horror -- that until late May isn't actually that long a time to write two big bangs that will be somewhat readable. (I only survived NaNo because I knew that the product didn't have to be readable and I was only stuck with it for a month, rather than the 6+ I will be with BB.)
Appropriate icon is appropriate.
And I just want to quickly say sorry to any of my flist that feels neglected recently; I've been trying to keep up with all your posts, but sometimes I just don't have the time or energy and all I really want to do is curl up with a long, epic!fic and read for hours. I still love you all, promise!
I also feel really bad that I've yet to do anything towards Haiti. I have a pile of money sitting here, looking at me as I write this, but I just haven't had the energy/time/patience to actually sit down and sort out all of the internet billing and stuff. I should probably take part in the
help_haiti thing that's going on, but, again, big bang and life is eating my...well, life, tbh.
And I miss my tamagotchis. I still have them (well, one) but it's been on pause all day and I wish I could just sit down and play with it for a while. *le sigh* Oh well. I'll probably have time at the weekend. Maybe. Hopefully.
Oh, and a quick music rec: anything by Matt Nathanson. Especially
'Come On Get Higher',
'Heartbreak World' and
'Wedding Dress'. But all of his stuff is awesome.