A Lesson for a Liar ~ Drabble; D/Hr, PG

Feb 05, 2009 09:04

Title: A Lesson for a Liar.
Rating: PG

Prompt: Must include a Lie.
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 250 EXACTLY.

Although it wasn't High Tea, Hermione Granger had an intense craving for clotted cream, preferably on a raspberry almond scone. But when she waddled into the kitchen, she disappointedly found the container completely devoured. There wasn't a clot left for her eager palate.

Being infamous for her extensive knowledge, she was rarely wrong and ergo, seldom disputed. So when she made an inquiry, it was for two reasons. One, she genuinely didn't know the answer and was keen to learn it. Or two, she already knew the answer and was giving the interrogated individual a chance to be forthright. It was always smarter and easier for everyone involved if the answer was given immediately and honestly. After all, her temper was legendary also.

So when she toddled into the study, rubbing her swollen stomach and asked her adoring husband of two years if he ate her clotted cream, she expected nothing short of the truth.

Unfortunately Draco Malfoy still thought rather highly of his cunning and charms. He did eat the rest of her clotted cream. With raspberry almond scones. He was confident that she wouldn't notice and thus answered indignantly, "Of course not!"

Regrettably for Draco Malfoy, his pregnant wife didn't need any Veritaserum, for the droplet of clotted cream on his upper lip told her all she needed to know and her hex was precise and humiliating.

But he was an apt learner and with his magically elongated nose, he vowed never to touch clotted cream ever again.

au, pg, drabble, post-hogwarts, draco and hermione, 2008

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