Title: Fortune on a Ladder
Rating: um, Pg-13.
Prompt: Must take place in a Library.
Warnings: None. Really.
Word Count: 499 exactly. Whut.
He sees the synergetic dance of a perfect leg as it stretches to tip toe and it halts his progress. His body teeters on concrete feet as his eyes glide auspiciously along the svelte curve of calf that slopes womanly into a thigh. A thigh that tries to hide beyond the demure line of a grey pencil skirt, which does nothing for the modesty of the wearer. If anything it accentuates the delectable roundness of a pert derriere. It was the kind of arse that a wizard dreams about palming in the throes of his crushing lasciviousness.
Draco's foot shuffles forward, gulping as his interest is piqued, and turns his body in an effort to get a better look at the undeniably feminine figure on the ladder. He sees a puzzle between the curves and tense lines of her body and he is eager to examine each measure of her physical guile.
Her blue oxford is taut around her extending frame, swathing her assets like a second skin, and as his study progresses the line of her form, he suddenly knows the owner of such a fit physique. It's the nest of frizzy curls, haphazardly knotted into a bun that gives it away.
Hermione Granger is keen on a book, her fingers ghost it desperately and the exertion makes her pant attractively.
The recognition cools his desirous curiosity. Not in disgust but in a control that is adapted after years of false animosity.
Covertly he advances on her. So distracted in her endeavor, she is heedless to his presence and it gives him an advantage.
He grasps the rail gingerly and takes one step on the bottom rung. A careful pull and he rises onto the ladder.
She falters in surprise, gripping the ladder in shock, and gasping softly.
He can feel the warmth of her skin, and smell her perfume, but mostly he sees the apprehension in her large brown eyes.
It floods down her spine, constricting her muscles and pulls her limbs inward defensively.
He smirks conceitedly, "Steady as you go, Granger."
"What are you doing, Malfoy?" Her eyes are accusatory, suspicious.
He pulls himself up until he is directly behind her. His body sliding against hers provocatively. Insinuatingly. "Helping."
She bites her lip and he knows she doesn't believe him. Those bottomless brown eyes are critical, analytical.
"Which book?" He whispers.
She blinks, as if to recall the correct title and it's incredibly endearing. Unintentionally coquettish. "Cocks-Cosker's Guide to-to um-PropositioningaPureblood"
He leers at her inarticulateness. "Interesting."
"Indeed," she snaps. Discomfiture blossoms in her cheeks as indignation purses her mouth.
His grin deepens. "You can't learn everything in a book."
"I can." Her chin lifts in argument.
He presses himself closer to her, feeling all of her lovely curves against his hard angles. She shivers responsively, delightfully. "But do you know what to do when propositioned by a pureblood?"
A seductive smile dimples her cheek and fortunately for him, she checked that book out last week.