The usual Midorikawa Hikaru and Miyata Kouki crack, as well as their bullied guest, Kisaichi Atsushi, voice of Ichikawa Gaku! He's adorable, he really is. <3
"I tune in every time and it seems like you're always eating alot, so I came with a completely empty stomach"
haha, he is clever! Oh this is so cute! And they're useless as usual XD Thank you so much for the translation! I found it very funny when they argue wether Midorikawa makes the rumours up, haha! He seems more and more mischivious to me!
Seriously *lol* The solutions they come up for people's problems... if anything, they'll certainly cheer people up, but they're not really helping the situation in any way. XD
... I'm not sure whether you're coming back. I'm not sure whether I shoudl ever show my face after this. I'm not sure... T_T T_T But I beg you, oh kind one, please upload everything again? In a new post, I guess... please? I know its odd to do it just for one person... I DONT KNOW please? please...
( I posted this in the one with all of them, and then made up my mind to look stupid and asked here. PLEASE???)
Comments 16
haha, he is clever! Oh this is so cute! And they're useless as usual XD
Thank you so much for the translation! I found it very funny when they argue wether Midorikawa makes the rumours up, haha! He seems more and more mischivious to me!
Gaku is so adorable!
Gaku is love~ <3
( I posted this in the one with all of them, and then made up my mind to look stupid and asked here. PLEASE???)
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