Mar 01, 2012 00:10
- 09:51 rrossfu asked: Yo. I just saw your gif. How’d you make it big like that? Cause whenever I try to upload... t.co/XwPb9Ie9 #
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Feb 26, 2012 00:10
- 10:47 It's haircut day! Got an appointment for me and @ceopet! (@ Vince & Gino's Hair Design w/ @ceopet) t.co/mKEzrexH #
- 10:51 Photo: Obligatory pre-haircut photo! t.co/MwVSyhVJ #
- 13:00 Girl scout cookies today til 6pm! (@ Jewel-Osco) t.co/eeAaAKq3 #
- 13:00 Stocked up! (@ Girl Scout Cookie Sale at Jewels) t.co/8naOEa5B #
- 13:42 Veggie baskets are the
( Read more... )
Feb 25, 2012 00:00
- 18:22 Guaca guaca guaca guaca guaca-chameleon!! You come and go (in my mouth), you come and goooo (in my belly)! t.co/HppKk7zJ #
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Feb 21, 2012 00:00
- 12:12 I've got TWO TICKETS to Paradise!! (And by "Paradise", I mean #BaconFest Chicago - lunch session!) #
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Feb 19, 2012 23:50
- 11:01 I know I'm doing the world a huge disservice by going out in post-concert funk-stench, but I couldn't care less right now. Need McNuggets! #
- 11:56 Just waited 18 minutes for a bus that became "disabled" 2 blocks later. Now waiting for the next bus to come get us... #CTAFAIL #BUSFAIL #
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Feb 19, 2012 00:00
- 14:46 Waiting for the #FloggingMolly concert to begin! #Green17 Hooray for @_floggingmolly @7drunkenpirates t.co/GRdvhYX8 #
- 16:29 Taco run! (@ Fiesta Mexicana) t.co/K8sx2x6P #
- 18:14 We're in! #Green17 baby!! t.co/S7VDbKBL #
- 20:04 Dude, you are NOT Hendrix. Stop playing guitar with your teeth! #
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