serious talking here yo

Feb 22, 2011 21:46

I know I have some Damon/Elena shippers on my flist and I was wondering - exactly how do you ship them? The events of 2x01, 2x08 and 2x10 have really pushed their relationship into a very nasty place in my opinion. Not even getting into the long term abuse and rape towards Caroline, one of her best friends. And some recent developments he's had ( Read more... )

fight for it (tvd), rape culture

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Comments 72

OT kita0610 February 23 2011, 03:58:34 UTC
... your icon looks like Dawn and Xander.


Re: OT daisysusan February 23 2011, 04:12:16 UTC

My mind = blown.


Re: OT kita0610 February 23 2011, 04:14:50 UTC
I mean, I assume it ISN'T. But that's all I can see, and since I didn't watch a good bunch of S7...


Re: OT daisysusan February 23 2011, 04:39:56 UTC
It's Elena and Jeremy from Vampire Diaries.


daisysusan February 23 2011, 04:14:01 UTC
I don't have an answer to your post, because I am not in the Damon/Elena camp, but I am curious about it, because I think it's the show's endgame and I'd love to see how they play it out.

(In my head, when I get into the list of situations-in-which-I-could-maybe-ship-them, it mostly involves a hypothetical future where Stefan is dead, and their relationship is not particularly health. So yeah.)


goldy_dollar February 23 2011, 04:16:19 UTC
Lol the only way I could buy it right now is if Stefan dies and they have this messed up shared grief thing. Otherwise yeah, good luck show.


daisysusan February 23 2011, 04:41:04 UTC
That's my take on it as well. Some sort of weird messed up codependent missing-Stefan thing.


meiou_set February 23 2011, 04:20:54 UTC
Oh wow, their endgame? I totally did not know that! I thought they'd just have the UST for like forever. Maybe eventually they'd have Elena stray for fanservice (I'm cynical, yes), but I never thought the show would seriously partner them up.


meiou_set February 23 2011, 04:18:49 UTC
I agree that TVD is not gaming a dark relationship between Damon/Elena, although to be frank that's probably the only way that relationship could be interesting to me. I think Scorp an f'listie of mine mentioned that it would be definitely be something to see Elena's life *get worse* because of Damon and him kind of making her a terrible person. Then again, as far as the tv narrative goes, that would erase the boundary line between Elena and Katherine ( ... )


a_white_rain February 23 2011, 12:33:00 UTC
Damon/Elena/Stefan interests me on that level. If they all wanted to be evil together, I'd go for it. Though I don't think I want that in canon. It's nice to see a main female character in a mutually supportive and overall healthy romance in a genre show.


ellenel13 February 23 2011, 05:08:48 UTC
I've watched up to episode 9 of season two. Granted, it's been while studying renal physiology, so mind mind hasn't been 100% on it. Damon is not turning out too bad so far. Sure, he's a douchebag troll, but they haven't had him go on a rape-bender all season. And Elena was really pissed about the time he killed Jeremy in the middle of temper tantrum ( ... )


a_white_rain February 23 2011, 12:23:05 UTC
I don't know. He killed Jeremy because Elena wouldn't say he loved him as well - in fact he demanded that she return his feelings. So I'd say right there - that's abusive behavior. And in 2x10 it gets worse and made me want Damon to die tbh.

I have trouble feeling sympathy for a man who rapes and abuses women because he doesn't get what he wants tbh.


ellenel13 February 23 2011, 15:36:02 UTC
I don't disagree that Damon's killing Jeremy was classic abusive behavior. I said that Elena reacted to it somewhat appropriately. She pretty much ended her friendship with Damon and hasn't trusted him much since. She also held her ground when he tried to manipulate her into forgiving him the next episode. The only part I was confused about was that she didn't speak with Stefan about the possibility of staking him. I'm fanwanking that she just doesn't want to cause a fight between Stefan and his brother.

I don't have trouble feeling sympathy for Damon. I can't explain why I don't. I still think he's abusive and that the show doesn't really understand just how and why he is and that's probably a result of the society we live in. The show seems to be operating from the perspective that "it's different because he's a vampire".


a_white_rain February 23 2011, 15:39:43 UTC
Ah, okay.

I don't know. I just think it's more of the fact that violence against women is accepted when it's from a white man. Then again, they seem to be doing it rightish with Tyler..


fauxkaren February 23 2011, 05:31:56 UTC
Warning: this is long and rambly and I won't be offended if you think I have all the WRONG OPINIONS because because I really don't hold them too dearly ( ... )


fauxkaren February 23 2011, 05:32:19 UTC
I think it's interesting that you mentioned the endings to both 2x01 and 2x08 as problematic for you because, I actually read them very different. I read them as counterpoints to each other. It's been a while since I've seen either of those episodes, so I'm basing this off of memory. So apologies if I'm way off base. In 2x01, Damon (known for his impulsive behavior and poor judgment) is being very selfish with his love for Elena. He tries to kiss her without regarding her feelings because he wants to make her love him. But in 2x08 he realizes that he can't do that anymore. Putting the weight and burden of his feelings on her isn't fair to her, so he tells her that he loves her (just to get it off his chest) but then he isn't selfish about it. He doesn't want anything in return or to put that burden on her, so he compels her to forget it. (At least that's how I believe the writers want us to see it ( ... )


unsurebutgame February 25 2011, 06:19:27 UTC
But in 2x08 he realizes that he can't do that anymore. Putting the weight and burden of his feelings on her isn't fair to her, so he tells her that he loves her (just to get it off his chest) but then he isn't selfish about it.

Well, except for the fact that he, she, the writers and the viewers all know that her answer would be a polite but firm no because they have already gone over this before, in season one (except maybe not so polite this time since he recently tried to rape her) and so his actions are extremely selfish and are, as he's doing with Andie, attempting to turn her into a doll in order to indulge his own desire to prioritize his lust over her free will.


mfirefly10 February 23 2011, 06:59:14 UTC
Maybe I'm reading this wrong but are you seriously trying to say that because Andie chose to sleep with Damon once, everything he's done to her is okay? While she may've consented the first time they slept together, he compelled her right after so anything that's happened between them since then is completely out of her control and therefore, is rape. Or mind-rape, if we're talking about the compulsion to forget all of the vampire-related things he tells her.

I really don't see much of a difference between what he did to Caroline back in season 1 and what he's doing to Andie now except that maybe the people around him should know better? Alaric clearly doesn't care but I'm hoping Stefan & Elena will at least try to put an end to it once they learn what's going on. Then again, since the writers didn't make Damon suffer any consequences for the abuse he put Caroline through, they'll probably have all of the characters hand-wave this, as well.


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