serious talking here yo

Feb 22, 2011 21:46

I know I have some Damon/Elena shippers on my flist and I was wondering - exactly how do you ship them? The events of 2x01, 2x08 and 2x10 have really pushed their relationship into a very nasty place in my opinion. Not even getting into the long term abuse and rape towards Caroline, one of her best friends. And some recent developments he's had with a new character in Andie.

It's not so much that it's fucked up. I mean, hell, Seishirou/Subaru is my number one OTP and calling that abusive and fucked up is an understatement. But I believe CLAMP intended for their relationship to be dark and troubling. I'm not so sure that's what TVD is trying to do with Elena/Damon.

So I guess I just want to know from shippers. What do you like about Damon/Elena, how do you think they'd work in a romance, how you see the history of nasty behvior to her on his part, and what you think the writers are trying to say with the relationship?

I'm not sure how long I'll have to respond as my brother might want the Internet soon. But I'll read every comment and try to reply to most of them! Feel free to discus among yourselves.

Also: this post and commentary in the comments will contain discusson about violence against women, rape and abuse. I'm demanding respect here and I will shut down anything that's victim blamey.

fight for it (tvd), rape culture

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