this is why I use this icon so much

Feb 04, 2011 14:54

So I have caught up on the Penny Arcade fail. And just. Wow. I've respected people less but that's not saying much!

Details here and trigger warning!

I'm just... like really tired of seeing rape apology everywhere. I'm also really tired of seeing something like teamrape on twitter and not being surprised.

ETA: timeline here. Trigger warning.

rape culture

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Comments 21

selphish February 4 2011, 21:25:01 UTC
Timeline of events:

I have a whole bunch of links saved up, but most of them have been sourced here. I was going to be going to PAX this year because I live in Seattle, but now? NO THANKS GUYS

EDIT: because I intended to use my 'Am I Not Merciful' icon instead


a_white_rain February 4 2011, 21:29:18 UTC
Yeah I read that but didn't keep the link. *edits it in*


selphish February 4 2011, 21:32:43 UTC
It's kind of incredibly ridiculous. Between Gabe's 'tldr' response on twitter to those thanking him for taking down the shirt, the reasoning for it being taken down (to make everyone feel comfortable at pax) contradicting with something else he said on twitter (I'M GOING TO BE WEARING IT AT PAX) to the PA guys suddenly deciding to speak up when one of them is threatened when the people disagreeing with them have been threatened and attacked verbally by their supporters for days. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


a_white_rain February 4 2011, 21:34:46 UTC


elle_white February 4 2011, 22:09:48 UTC
I can't believe their response to this. I was not very familiar with Penny Arcade, but I was very offended when I heard about their offensive strip and the appalling "apology" they did for it.

Everything I've heard about this has been deeply upsetting, but not surprising. I hate the world sometimes.


dots February 4 2011, 23:59:27 UTC
I'm really tired of people saying "well they 'apologized' so it's over, let it go." That's not an apology and it's shameful that they didn't care how many awful things were being said and done until someone made a vague death threat to one of them :/ People were already being so awful to rape survivors who dared to speak out, but whoops, guess it doesn't matter until Mike or Jerry gets threatened.

Blargh, this is still such a mess.


a_white_rain February 5 2011, 00:00:34 UTC

And even if they apologized really well - er that doesn't mean anyone is obligated to accept it.


bunnymcfoo February 5 2011, 01:14:43 UTC
God, I think that's a point that's overlooked so often - I know that I am frequently guilty of this in my personal life. The offended party is under no obligation to stop being offended or angry or even to forgive, just because the offender apologized. Not even if they realized that what they did was wrong, wrong, wrong.


a_white_rain February 5 2011, 01:17:41 UTC
No one gets to dictate when/if you forgive someone! True fax. Forgiveness is often a very personal thing.


rosehiptea February 5 2011, 01:14:37 UTC
Some people apparently think it's just awful that there are people saying they won't give to Child's Play anymore. Well, I won't (and I did in the past), but guess what? It's not me that fucked up, it's Mike and Jerry.

I never read their comic much anyway, but I did like their charity... before.


dots February 5 2011, 02:25:52 UTC
The thing about that is people are assuming that because people stop giving to Child's Play, they won't give to something else. There are plenty of other charities that do good things whose figureheads aren't being total jerks. It's not like saying "I'm not giving to Child's Play" means "I'm never giving to charity again." I've seen that argument around a lot and it really bugs me. It's like the inverse of the "why can't you spend your time caring about more important things" argument.


sakanagi February 5 2011, 01:41:12 UTC
I've been following the debacle over at inclusive_geeks (some posts are locked, though). I really, truly loathe the quantity of rape apology that's been going on from Penny Arcade and supporters. It's so disappointing. And the number of people who've been saying they talked to their male friends and boyfriends about this but the guys just don't understand what the fuss is about...that's the most disappointing thing of all.


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