this is why I use this icon so much

Feb 04, 2011 14:54

So I have caught up on the Penny Arcade fail. And just. Wow. I've respected people less but that's not saying much!

Details here and trigger warning!

I'm just... like really tired of seeing rape apology everywhere. I'm also really tired of seeing something like teamrape on twitter and not being surprised.

ETA: timeline here. Trigger warning.

rape culture

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selphish February 4 2011, 21:25:01 UTC
Timeline of events:

I have a whole bunch of links saved up, but most of them have been sourced here. I was going to be going to PAX this year because I live in Seattle, but now? NO THANKS GUYS

EDIT: because I intended to use my 'Am I Not Merciful' icon instead


a_white_rain February 4 2011, 21:29:18 UTC
Yeah I read that but didn't keep the link. *edits it in*


selphish February 4 2011, 21:32:43 UTC
It's kind of incredibly ridiculous. Between Gabe's 'tldr' response on twitter to those thanking him for taking down the shirt, the reasoning for it being taken down (to make everyone feel comfortable at pax) contradicting with something else he said on twitter (I'M GOING TO BE WEARING IT AT PAX) to the PA guys suddenly deciding to speak up when one of them is threatened when the people disagreeing with them have been threatened and attacked verbally by their supporters for days. Absolutely fucking disgusting.


a_white_rain February 4 2011, 21:34:46 UTC


selphish February 4 2011, 21:33:47 UTC
This is all the more infuriating because all my guy friends don't see what's the big deal. Why are you trying to censor us? they ask. I'm less offended by the original strip and more offended by the outright dismissal of people's concerns by the PA dudes. They fucked up, and none of them want to admit it, or apologize. It's disgusting.


a_white_rain February 4 2011, 21:36:06 UTC
I have very angry thoughts about guys who cry about free speech in matters like this. I DON'T WANT TO SILENCE PEOPLE OKAY I JUST DON'T WANT TO HEAR JOKES ABOUT RAPE OK.


selphish February 4 2011, 21:37:28 UTC
This, btw, is a great post on rape jokes that I wholeheartedly agree with. Great read:


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