things that aren't funny #1

Sep 05, 2010 00:20

On Feminism, Liberals, Black Folks and Antione Dodson

I haven't posted or commented on this at all because there was nothing I could say to express my rage. I'm a victim of rape and I see everyday how it's treated a joke and it's a punch in gut. This was like someone was stabbing me repeatedly. And, all the while, I knew that the brunt of the pain ( Read more... )

rape culture

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Comments 10

elle_white September 5 2010, 06:09:15 UTC
That is appalling beyond words. Rape is never funny and it's disgusting how people like the Dodsons do not get the help they so desperately needed straight away. The only way his family got help was when he was made a mockery of first. We truly live in a terrible world.


a_white_rain September 5 2010, 06:10:16 UTC


the_sun_is_up September 5 2010, 06:50:45 UTC
That is disgusting on so many levels.


demoerin September 5 2010, 09:14:43 UTC
Thank you for linking this. I'd heard of the "bed intruder" song but refused to pay attention to it because with that name, there was no way it would ever be amusing, but it's better to know. I thought it was performed by actors, for chrissakes.


designer_ninja September 5 2010, 15:19:11 UTC
My cousin's friend posted that video on facebook and my cousin commented with "lmao my new ringtone."

I feel physically ill.


akai_senshi September 5 2010, 17:16:34 UTC
That's just sad.

A white man protecting his sister from rape in this instance would be thought of as a hero, and not a joke. That's DISGUSTING.

This society is "post-racial" my ass.


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