
Dec 14, 2006 00:14

Week Name/Date/Time: blank / 13 July, 2006 / High Noon lolol
Location: Abandoned cottage, Kent
Open to: BFF Colton -- omg COLTEX FTW
Currently Involving: Dexy the Sexy DEX

Kent Poisoning Caper, part 1! )

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Comments 19

colton_vane December 14 2006, 06:58:33 UTC
As far as Colton was concerned, there were better places to meet. In fact, even the sight of the cottage from far off was making him frown, just the slightest bit.

But he strode to the front door anyway, because it was Dex, it was Dex, and if Colton wasn't used to this by now, he had no business being here in the first place.

He was diligent with the door, plucking it open so gently it barely creaked and when he stepped in, he rolled his eyes.

Dex looked right at home.

"Well, it's a nice place to visit," Colton commented wryly once the door was closed; he retrieved his wand to perform cleaning spells on his person. "But I wouldn't want to live here."


a_thrillkill December 14 2006, 07:10:39 UTC
Dex grinned widely, obscenely, while Colton dusted himself over with his wand. “Thought you might like it,” he replied airily, folding his arms on his knees comfortably, as if rubbing the filth metaphorically into Colton’s skin. He was just that considerate! “Might want to use the place for a little vacation spot, you know,” he continued, looking a round with a seriously thoughtful expression, “the two of us, when we’re old and gray and in need of a getaway.”

He turned back to his very best bosom friend with a beaming, absolutely terrible smile, white teeth glowing in the dingy shadows of the entry way. As lightly sardonic as the words might have been issued from another person, even these things were tinged with something unsettling when he giggled afterward.

Always that giggle. He saved it especially for Colton ( ... )


colton_vane December 14 2006, 07:25:43 UTC
"Oh, I'll consider it," Colton replied, pocketing his wand. "I'm sure this is just the place I'll wish to escape to when life gets too..." He picked imaginary lint off the front of his robes and finished, "civilised."

He shook his head at the giggle, but it was a fond headshake, or some approximation of it. Silently moving further into the room--there was a fondness attached to this, too; after all, there were very few people who Colton cared to stand about in disgusting cottages for.

"I'd gathered, although I'm suddenly wary of your definition of 'fun'." Colton gave their current whereabouts one more sweeping look, and then finally made eye contact with Dex. He didn't smile either.

"Well. I'm listening."


a_thrillkill December 14 2006, 07:44:00 UTC
Dex regarded Colton silently for a few moments.

“I suppose you are listening.” He shook his head at the other boy in mild disapproval. Sometimes, he thought, for a young man who thought so much of himself, so knowledgeable and destined to be in control of… well, the world (which Dex knew would never happen, since that would be his own role), Colton was ridiculously careless ( ... )


a_thrillkill December 15 2006, 06:46:14 UTC
Dex leaned back luxuriously against his filthy seat, folding his spindly arms behind his head, saying, “Oh, I’m sure you have, you’re such a doll about these things!” Grin grin grin. “Really fine taste, you’ve always had, one day you’ll be an interior decorator, mark my words.” Insult insult insult. Smattered together with and impish smile.

“Bring all the cauldrons you own, and your family owns, but be discreet about it,” he instructed airily, trailing a hand through the air like an orchestra conductor. “We’re going to be brewing quite a lot of Venemous Plutonim, one cauldron or two isn’t enough to contaminate the whole spring.” He positively beamed, really excited now. Everything was falling into place!

“I trust you can be discreet about it?” he added, raising a brow. Since Colton had the knack of being so abominably careless. “We’ll do it after the families have turned in. So they won’t notice their cauldrons are missing, see ( ... )


colton_vane December 15 2006, 16:01:33 UTC
Colton ignored the insult, as he usually tried to ignore insults that came from Dex. Most people in this position wouldn't be ignored, but then again, most people wouldn't dare insult him. Which was possibly because most people took him a great deal more seriously than Dex tended to.

That thought, too, made him pout a bit.

Colton arched an eyebrow. "'Venemous Plutonim'? Where did you come up with that, it sounds disgusting." Of course, most things potions related tended to sound disgusting, as did the word 'brew' and as did the idea of coming in contact with all those cauldrons, but apparently sacrifices had to be made. Didn't they always?

"Of course I can be discreet about it, you discredit me far too often," he grumbled, irritated, looking very much like a petulant child again. He paused. "But all right."

It was starting to sound like an awful lot of work.


a_thrillkill December 20 2006, 03:26:20 UTC
“Well, then. Tomorrow evening, stroke of midnight. We are ready.” Dex slowly uncoiled his hands from behind his head, opening both eyes this time and fixing them on his co-conspirator. He didn’t smile, but his expression appeared to be of placid interest.

Beneath placid waters there often lurks mysterious wonders.

“Why don’t we move onto matters of social engagement,” he suggested pleasantly. “I know they are of importance to you, old man. The picnics, the galas, the tête-à-têtes. Tell me, how far up the ladder have you made it these past couple of weeks?”

His fingers folded together, and the mocking was only barely detectable in his eyes.

“I noticed you haven’t invited me over for tea with the family recently.”


colton_vane December 20 2006, 03:54:21 UTC
Colton, however, did smile. Mocking or not, this was the sort of subject matter that didn't involve disgusting things like poison and/or illness and/or the procuring and stealing of cauldrons, many of which would be infested with Merlin-knew-what. So it was therefore decent conversation ( ... )


a_thrillkill December 20 2006, 04:14:24 UTC
Well, Ministry-related galas did not concern him on the whole, unless Dex happened to have a broader scope to his plans. He left such things up to his own parents and attended where he was called, bored and abuzz with scheme in turn (accompanied by Colton in both, necessarily). Daphne, too, had been somewhat silent-and for all these reasons, Dex had more than an itch to give the public something at which to scratch.

Dex grinned, full of… something. “I don’t know, Colton. Your sisters are always pleasing. How do you know what my intentions are regarding them?” Which left it rather vague, considering, and that was Dex’s way. Who was to say his intentions were anything related to the genre of romance ( ... )


colton_vane December 20 2006, 04:41:49 UTC
There was a brief moment where Colton, who would probably never be capable of comprehending what Dex meant whenever he spoke, considered that his best friend might be serious. His expression faded into something like a glare, and then that faded as well, and he said, "Ah..." in a speechless sort of manner.

And then he laughed, because Dex was kidding, obviously he was kidding because if he really had any 'intentions' toward Colton's sisters, Colton would kill him. Which would be a strain on their friendship.

So, that was that.

"Don't you?" he retorted, rolling his eyes. "'Wife shopping', honestly. I'm grateful, I hope it means I won't have to get married. Um."

He frowned. This was one of the few things he had never thought through very deeply, hence the 'um', which was not a characteristic Colton syllable. Seeming suddenly very disturbed, he amended, "I mean, of course, I should like to get married. Since I'm to..."

He was unable to bring himself to say the words, the father a child words, or some phrase like it, but he would ( ... )


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