Title: Anthem for the newly doomed Genre: Poetry Rating: Teen to adult Warnings: Mature themes, Mature language Summary:Slightly epic. This is the longest piece of poetry I have ever written, and it was written as a response to the demonization of young people in the United Kingdom, so not all of it may make sense to those outside of the
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Title: Waking up is hard to do Genre: Sci-Fi / Drama Rating: Teen Warnings: Unpleasant themes, Mature themes, Mature language Summary: From German satirist Georg C. Lichtenberg:
"Many things about our bodies would not seem to us so filthy and obscene if we did not have the idea of nobility in our heads. "
Title: Bad Things Genre: Sci-Fi Dystopian Rating: Mature Warnings: Sex M/F, unpleasant themes, bad language Summary: From Peter J Carrol's Liber Null and Psychonaut:
The death of superstition: We may see magicians working behind barbed wire and in underground cells also.